Hi folks, it’s Clem here! Yes, that’s a picture of me which I will get to soon but firstly just wanted to give you an update!
I’ve been a bit quiet on socials recently because to be honest, we’ve just been super busy managing events, family and life in general.
You might remember in December I posted that Chris was going into cancer treatment - well, while that was really rough on him, he has come out the other side and is doing well. We are still definitely going strong catering, we have just committed to taking on slightly less work so Chris doesn’t get too stressed and can look after his health…which brings me to my first point:
For those who want to have a crack themselves we now have the option to hire some equipment to help you on your way like paella pans, chaffing dishes, urns, plates, cutlery etc. You can find more info on our website(link in bio)!
My next point is complete self promotion(hence the picture) but I wanted to let you know that I have launched a photography business Along Came Red. My photography journey actually started taking photos of our food here, so in a way it’s related! I’d love for you to follow me on my socials if you feel inclined and you can also find my website on the social pages in the bio section.
A big shout out to all the wedding photographers I’ve quizzed while on the job and especially local photographers and who have patiently answered my questions. Thanks guys - I appreciate it!
Thanks all to committing to reading this essay! More from me soon. X Clem