Olive Gap Farm who supplies Flock with their beautiful flower bunches was hit hard in the flood. Check out the footage, have a read and buy some of the best damn tea tree oil out there!
#Repost @olivegapfarm with @make_repost
Flood Appeal!
WE SAVED HALF! And now we need your help!
We're a young family of farmers from the Northern Rivers of NSW. This year, we were taking a huge leap to expand our farm and release our new range of Australian native essential oil products. They are certified organic, regeneratively farmed & carbon positive. Grown, artisan distilled and bottled all on our off-grid organic farm.
We take a huge amount of pride in producing what we think is the most sustainably produced native essential oils in the world!
Like so many others in the Northern Rivers, we woke in the early hours of Tuesday morning last week, to our farm being inundated by rising water.
We lost a lot, but saved a lot too, including half of our new packaging that had only arrived three days before, stored on 'higher' ground in a shipping container. We rescued it with a chain gang of friends and family in kayaks before the shipping container was entirely submerged by over 2 meters of water.
The grief for our whole area is beyond words, but the community spirit has never shined so bright. 🌟
So here's how you can help! We will still launch in April and need your help to spread the word and pre-order our beautiful essential oils. It's win-win!
It looks like our tea tree crop will be okay by the next harvest, but likely smaller, and by pre-ordering, you will help our darling farm get back on it's feet.
Head to our website (link in bio), order now & please tag anyone you know who might be interested in stocking our beautiful products wholesale or reviewing, promoting or sharing it in anyway.
$1 from every box sold goes to youth projects for our local Bandjalang kids. They'll be needing this now
For the babes who can no longer sleep when it rains. We hear you. You are not alone. Xx
Shout out to all of the legends that stepped in and schlepped our entire cafe up 3 flights of stairs. Forever grateful to our community ❤️❤️
Rainy mornings and pastries are our JAM!!! Grilled veg, confit garlic and wild rocket pesto with lots of manchego. You are very welcome xx
We're off to the beach tomorrow, come and grab some goodies today to get you through the long weekend. We're here til 2pm.
It's a long weekend and we're having a day at the beach on Monday 🏝️
Time to get baking. Open 8-2 for your Father’s Day treats
Sarah Hanson-Young we hear you! 👊🏽
Sick of cooking after homeschooling all day? Let us do the hard part and you just bake in the oven! Open 8-2 daily during #flockdown