After a MUCH needed holiday in Canada with my family - I am back and ready to go 💕
During Covid travel was impossible and the distance between Tasmania and my hometown of Green Valley, Ontario, Canada felt so inexplicably far away. My love for planning events has seen me oversee some beautiful moments between family and friends and that fulfilled me so deeply as I missed my own so dearly.
Now that I have cuddled those I love, had bottomless coffees and lazy mornings in the town I was raised in, my cup is so full and I am so ready to take on all that this small business throws at me.
Thank you so much to my existing clients for understanding and encouraging my time to switch off, you are all so wonderful. Xx
Let’s get back to celebrating those magic moments 💕💕💕
Here’s a little look at a beautiful proposal I did just days before jetting off for my holiday - congratulations again K&C
Photos by the wonderful