✨ Ready to go, last day of @nichemarketstgiles 9:00am-3:00pm at the Inveresk Tramsheds, Launceston 🧚♀️ free entry!
🧚♀️ The doors open very shortly for @nichemarketstgiles
Friday 4:30pm-8pm
Saturday 9am-3pm
Tramsheds at Inveresk, Launceston
🌈 Dahlia Explosion Incoming ~ Make your Wishlist, grab your tote bags and make a bee 🐝 line for our stall at the Spring @artisan_markets_tasmania event this coming Saturday!
#tasmanianmarket #launcestonmarket #dahlia #dahliatubers #flowerobsession #dahliaobsession #tasmaniandahlias #tasmania #lutruwita
🌞 Billy Buttons are one of my favourite flowers - such happy balls of sunshine! Have you wanted to grow them from seed but haven’t had much luck? We have some absolute bombshell plants available at the moment, established and healthy - some are already budding up!
Email for more info: [email protected]
(Pick up only - Launceston)
#billybuttons #billybutton #craspediaglobosa #craspedia #australiannativeflower #australiannative #tasmaniangardener #tasmania #lutruwita
🌙 Helena Gum Moth - the beauty of carving to print, is that you don’t truly know what it is going to look like until you reveal the paper at the end ✨
#helenagummoth #mothprint #gardeninspiredart #printmaking #eucalyptus #floweringgum #naturalcuriosities #australianmoth #tasmanianartist #tasmaniangardener #tasmania #lutruwita
🌙 “On To The Next Branch” - original woodcarving, ready for a new home… available this Friday at @market_square_pavilion_market in Devonport ✨ see you there!
#woodcarving #moth #helenagummoth #mothart #tasmanianartist #launcestonartist #gardeninspired #natureinspired #australiannatives #eucalyptus #eucalyptusart #handmade #supportartists #supportcreatives #tasmania #lutruwita
🫶🏻 The Nuttall Patch goodies available at this coming Saturday’s @nichemarketbazaar - limited edition art prints, artist greeting cards, artist magnets, limited edition botanical earrings, dried posies, Tussie Mussies and one-of-a-kind wreaths.
💛 Saturday 27th April, 9am-3pm, Inveresk Tramsheds in Launceston.
#handmademarket #launcestonmakers #tasmanianmarket #launcestontasmania #nichemarketbazaar #driedflowers #driedfloralwreath #wreath #butterflyart #ladybugart #botanical #gardeninspiredart #launceston #tasmania #kanamaluka #lutruwita