Very special way to show respect. Its also worth reading some of the comments.
A couple days ago I shared a beautiful experience I had at a nursing home. As I shared in that post, when we funeral directors come to remove a deceased person from a nursing home, most nursing homes have a "hide the body" mentality or a "back door policy" that ushers the deceased out the back door so no one sees it.
As I've come to find out, some nursing homes have a "front door policy" where the death is acknowledged and the dead honored by the nursing home and its staff. My recent experience with this "front door policy" included the nursing staff creating a walk of honor. The staff lined the hallway walls as I left the nursing home with the deceased, acknowledging the life lived and lost.
When I shared my experience with the "front door policy" and the "walk of honor", Lisa B. shared this beautiful photo of how her grandfather's nursing home practiced this acknowledgment of death when her grandfather died. As you can see, the staff is creating this beautiful walk of honor to acknowledge the passing of Lisa's grandfather as he leaves the nursing home. I asked Lisa if I could share the photo with you and she gave me permission.
This act, my friends, is a beautiful step away from death denial and towards death positivity.