But did you know there is LESS than 2 months until Ramadan?! Have you thought about what needs to be done between now and then? How's the house? How's the family? Will you be able to focus on your ibadah this year? Or will you be running around like a headless chook?
NO NEED TO PANIC, we're here to help 😉
Let's start prepping! You don't need to go big straight away! We'll be posting up prompts, ideas, and helpful hints in the coming weeks to help you get started!
Tune back later this week to see where to begin!
Catch ya later!
#rockyourramadan #ramadanprep #fasting2022 #islam #muslims #ibadah #brisbanemuslims #australianmuslims #globalmuslims #muslimsofearth #readysteadyramadan
#ramadan2022 #craftyinspiration #craftygifts #calligraphylettering #calligraphyworkshops #calligraphyart #szlworkshops #ramadangifts #ramadanmubarak🌙 #muslimsaroundtheworld #craftysisters #gettingcreative #hijab #muslimah #muslimahcrafts #makersofinstagram #makersgonnamake #ramadangiftsidea #ramadancrafts #brisbanemuslims #queensland #adelaidemuslims #perthmuslims #melbournemuslims #darwinmuslims #canberramuslims #australianmuslim #muslimsisters
But did you know there is LESS than 2 months until Ramadan?! Have you thought about what needs to be done between now and then? How's the house? How's the family? Will you be able to focus on your ibadah this year? Or will you be running around like a headless chook?
NO NEED TO PANIC, we're here to help 😉
Let's start prepping! You don't need to go big straight away! We'll be posting up prompts, ideas, and helpful hints in the coming weeks to help you get started!
Tune back later this week to see where to begin!
Catch ya later!
#rockyourramadan #ramadanprep #fasting2022 #islam #muslims #ibadah #brisbanemuslims #australianmuslims #globalmuslims #muslimsofearth #readysteadyramadan
#ramadan2022 #craftyinspiration #craftygifts #calligraphylettering #calligraphyworkshops #calligraphyart #szlworkshops #ramadangifts #ramadanmubarak🌙 #muslimsaroundtheworld #craftysisters #gettingcreative #hijab #muslimah #muslimahcrafts #makersofinstagram #makersgonnamake #ramadangiftsidea #ramadancrafts #brisbanemuslims #queensland #adelaidemuslims #perthmuslims #melbournemuslims #darwinmuslims #canberramuslims #australianmuslim #muslimsisters
Spread the word!
For this weekend only, purchase a spot at our workshops for only $50 for a single workshop, or $90 dollars for both!!
This is an absolute bargain, and you'll be walking away with:
⭐ A completed macrame coaster, with enough rope to make a whole set!
⭐ Gift cards ready to send! Either digitally or through the snail mail!
⭐ AND lunch, beverages and snacks!!
Where else would you get all of this for the same price??
Go to our website (link also in bio) and purchase your spot with us!
Earlybird sale only available from Saturday, 13th March to Sunday, 14th March.
Don't miss out!
#RockYourRamadan #SZLevents #goldcoastmuslims #brisbanemuslims #muslimahs #goldcoastmuslimahs #australianmuslims #muslimahmums #muslimahinbusiness #sydneymuslims #muslimah #melbournemuslim #onetreeplanted #muslimaustralia #perthmuslims #adelaidemuslims #darwinmuslim #actmuslim
#ramadandecor #ramadandecorations #Ramadan2021 #Ramadan #ramadankareem #ramadanmubarak2021 #ramadanvibes #ramadanstyle #ramadangifts
#ramadanreminders #ramadanprep #ramadaniscoming
Introducing the
Because it's more fun to come with friends!
Use code "buddy30' and get 30% OFF!!!!
The 11th couple to book will receive a full refund from us and attend the workshop for FREE!!!
*Winner will be announced on Instagram & Facebook.
#goldcoastmuslims #goldcoast #brisbanemuslims #brisbane #muslimahbusiness #sistersinbusiness #macramemakers #muslimahs #goldcoastmuslimahs #creativemuslimah #muslimahbranding #creativemuslimwomen #muslimbusinesswomen #arabiccalligraphy #muslimgirlboss #womeninbiz #handmade #handmadewithlove #muslimboss #muslimahartist #hijabiboss #creativemuslimwomen #muslimahinbusiness #australianmuslims #muslimah #muslimahproductsau
#muslimahservices #islamicart #supporteachother
24hrs FLASH SALE! Get 20% off any workshop you choose for 1 day only! Quick. Limited spots available. Don’t forget to tick something off your bucket list with one of our exclusive workshops.
#goldcoastmuslims #goldcoast #brisbanemuslims #brisbane #muslimahbusiness #sistersinbusiness #macramemakers #muslimahs #goldcoastmuslimahs #creativemuslimah #muslimahbranding #creativemuslimwomen #muslimbusinesswomen #arabiccalligraphy #muslimgirlboss #womeninbiz #handmade #handmadewithlove #muslimboss #muslimahartist #hijabiboss #creativemuslimwomen #muslimahinbusiness #australianmuslims #muslimah #muslimahproductsau
#muslimahservices #islamicart #supporteachother