#edsheeran #edsheeranconcert #edsheeransydney #hireletters #hireletterssydney #accor #accorstadium
✨Excited to introduce our NEW marble back drop with match marble plinths now available to hire ✨
Back drop and plinth- @thetheme_team
Flowers- @crazyaboutflowers
#marble #marblebackdrop #marbleplinth #marbleplinths #eventstyling #eventhire #prophire #prophiresydney
Rustic Bridal Set✨
Flowers by @crazyaboutflowers
Props - @thetheme_team
🍭Candy land Theme🍭
#candylandprops #candylandparty #candylandtheme #candylandbirthday #candyprops #candy #props #sydneyprops #thethemeteam #toosweet #twosweetbirthday #donutgrowup #donutgrowupparty #secondbirthday
✨Birthdays, Beaches, Bridal showers and Boats ✨
Our hire letters are perfect for any occasion!
#boat #boatparty #yatch #yatchparty #celebration #sydneyboathire #sydneyevents #sydneyeventhire #sydneyeventstylist #hireletters #driedflowers #driedflowerarrangement #hiresydney #eventssydney #sydenyevents #weddingsydney #yatchwedding #boatwedding #initials #mg #letters
💄💋Throw back to a few weeks ago when we custom made this Chanel wall and eyeshadow pallet for @kirristammersmua Makeup Masterclass 💋💄
#masterclass #makeup #makeupmasterclass #chaneltheme #chanel #chanelwall #masterclasssydney #prophire #sydneyprops #eventssydney #makeupartist
✨🍭 Zara’s 3rd birthday🍭✨
#candyprops #props #candy #candyland #party #sydneyeventstylist #sydneyprophire #eventhiresydney #eventstyling
✨🍭Zara’s 3rd birthday! 🍭✨
How amazing are our newest Candy props 😍
#props #sydneyprophire #sydneyprops #thethemeteam #candyprops #candyland #thridbirthdayparty #kidsbirthdayparty #kidspartyinspo #kidspartyideas
✨🍭Zara’s 3rd birthday! 🍭✨
How amazing are our newest Candy props 😍
#props #sydneyprophire #sydneyprops #thethemeteam #candyprops #candyland #thridbirthdayparty #kidsbirthdayparty #kidspartyinspo #kidspartyideas
🎬✨H O L L I E W O O D ✨🎬
#hollywoodparty #hire #hireletters #prophire #prophiresydney #sydneyevents #eventssydney #sydneyprophire #letterhiresydney
How good does our new Hollywood collection look 😍
#hollywoodparty #hollywood #party #poolparty #hollywoodprops #props #sydneyeventhire #eventhiresydney #eventhire #prophire #prophiresydney