Some of the great advocacy coming out of New Zealand. In Australia donations to Cure Our Ovarian Cancer go to support ANZGOG trials. ANZGOG will be facilitating the Janice Mayes Ovarian Cancer Research Grant later this year. It is so wonderful to see some action in an area that for so many years was ignored or discussed in hushed tones due to stigma and shame.
In New Zealand, the five-year survival rate for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer is just 39%, the poorest survival rate of all women's cancers.
Cure Our Ovarian Cancer (COOC), a WomenCan funding partner, fundraises specifically for ANZGOG's low grade serous ovarian cancer research. Many women diagnosed with low grade serous are younger in age. With an advanced stage diagnosis, these women are told they will survive between 5-15 years.
Jane Ludemann, Founder of COOC, took to global media outlets during World Ovarian Cancer Day to discuss the critical need for more clinical trial research for low grade serous ovarian cancer, including New Zealand, to improve outcomes for women. Jane further called on other awareness strategies to give women a better chance of being diagnosed earlier. Her message reached London's Piccadilly Circus and NY's Times Square.
We are proud to work with COOC to improve outcomes for women through improved treatments. Watch Jane's powerful interview here: