Made cool stuff to celebrate open applications for @rootboundfestival 2024!! Get involved, it’s an amazing event!!
#explorefnq #rootbound #rootboundfestival #mungullastation #media #comedancewithus #performers #artists #djs #fireperformer #festival #tourismqueensland
Got some practice in with the drone last Sunday in preparation for the adventure north to film RootBound Festival’s 2023 edition next weekend!
(The house in the second frame is where I live 🥰)
Incredibly excited to be working with RootBound to capture the magic and produce the official aftermovie for the festival!
Get keen folks, and if you’re still on the fence on whether you should come or not, just know it’s going to be incredible regardless, but all the more so for you being there. 😉
Tickets available here -
And check out the official event page here if you’re still in need of more convincing -
Hey folks!
First post I've done in a while as life's been busy and the weather has been; in a word, uninspiring. But over the past month I've actually had the time and the conditions to be creating again, and I'm coming at you tonight with one of the favourite things I've ever had the joy to be involved in making.
On a recent trip up to the Sunshine Coast one of my best and oldest friends on a whim asked if I'd like to be spontaneous and create a video with her to a song that she had drawn a lot of inspiration from. I had heard it for the first time the previous evening and my only thought was "This song is PHAT!". So when she propositioned me with a concept and a huge enthusiasm for creating something, I was pretty easily convinced.
And well, here is the finished product! So much love to Kim - Beatnik Billey for her performance, and her enthusiasm to do this, she is a constant inspiration to me and those in her life (for so many different reasons), and if she hadn't have asked, well I wouldn't had had the opportunity to create one of the coolest videos I've ever made!
Big love also to Jimmy Dystracted for allowing us to use his warehouse space for the filming process, even if by the time we were done every second spent in there was like smoking 20 cigarettes and smelt horrible (like smoking 20 cigarettes).
And of course big ups to LEViT∆TE. for the mad track and the inspiration for this project! Go check him out on FB or Spotify!
Big love people, and hopefully it's not so long till I post next time. I do hope you all enjoy (I'm always keen on feedback), and again show some love to the tagged pages above.
Till next time 🙏🏻😉