Diggers Rest & Surrounds Taxi Services

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Diggers Rest & Surrounds Taxi Services A professional commercial passenger vehicle operation with sedans and limousines.

As Diggers Rest's only Taxi Service we look after all our local people willingly


A reason not to use Uber.
Joseph Lam
Uber will still slug customers with a fuel surcharge even if they select the company’s electric vehicle option if their driver arrives in a hybrid vehicle.
The fees have caused quite a stir in recent weeks, with customers of the world’s largest rideshare being stung for fuel after a glitch applied “temporary fuel surcharges” on vehicles that run on electricity.
Those fees, which have now been refunded, were handed out across the nation with Anna Vo, who lives in Brisbane and often chooses Uber Green, refunded 36c last week after receiving an incorrect charge. In Melbourne, Felicia Coco was also refunded 26c after being wrongfully charged despite riding in an electric vehicle. In Sydney, Atlassian Futurist Dominic Price was also wrongfully charged and has been charged on several occasions after Uber claimed to have fixed the glitch.
Mr Price said that even two weeks after Uber said it had fixed the glitch he was still being charged the fuel surcharge despite only choosing Uber Green services.
“That’s two weeks ago. Every Uber trip I’ve taken since has been Uber Green and every one has a fuel surcharge. Not much, but it’s the point that counts,” he wrote on LinkedIn.
“And there is no way through the riddle of “Help” menus in the app, to query this. Zero.”
Mr Price, like many customers who were wrongfully charged, received surcharges to the amount of less than a dollar.
But it’s the inconvenience and the fact that customers were being charged for what is being offered as a travel option that is better for the environment which appears to have affected customers most.
Mr Price described the Uber issue as a lesson in “how customer service goes wrong”.
“Do you write an email and chase 22c? Is this Uber equivalent of late fees. Making money for nothing and pi***ng off your customers? Should I not care?” he wrote on LinkedIn.
Many consumers who chose “greener” options including rideshare trips are often doing so at a premium or at an inconvenience to themselves, such is the case with rideshare services and a significantly lower number of electric vehicles available to complete trips.
Uber said its fuel surcharge goes directly to its drivers and that when it discovered the glitch applying the charge on trips in EVs, it paid refunds out of its own pocket.
“Due to a technical error, a temporary fuel surcharge was incorrectly applied to some Uber trips that took place in an electric vehicle. The surcharge only applies to trips completed in vehicles that consume petrol, including hybrids,” a spokesman said.
“As soon as we became aware of this issue, we took steps to fix the error and refund impacted riders as quickly as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience caused and can confirm this error has been fully resolved within the Uber app.” The glitch arrives as many Australian consumers are already concerned about green washing – a process when companies market or publicise their products as being better for the environment than they actually are. The Australian is not suggesting Uber is greenwashing its services. While Uber claims to have fixed the glitch, it has confirmed to The Australian that the same fee will still be applied to customers who chose Uber Green but are picked up by a driver in a hybrid vehicle. Similarly customers who order Uber’s regular services but are picked up in an electric vehicle will not pay the fuel surcharge.
When traveling to or from Diggers Rest and surrounds, and seeking a cost-effective and safe mode of transportation, consider trying our services.
1300 13 9740


We are committed to providing a comprehensive service for all local people.

Prebookings can be made as far in advance as you wish on 0419 012 701 or by email to [email protected]


Call now to connect with business.


We must not hate. Hate is a disease. We need to be kind to one another. If you are kind to someone, they will be kind to you.

Here we await your walk up. Taxis are everywhere waiting for your call 0419 012 701. PRE BOOKINGS PREFERREED

Here we await your walk up. Taxis are everywhere waiting for your call 0419 012 701. PRE BOOKINGS PREFERREED


All babies are born with a loaf of bread under their arms.

Your first job as a parent is to enjoy your children.

my children were only partially my children; that is, that they are be delivered to me with a vital force and a destiny all of their own, and that consequently, my job is not necessarily to mould them, but rather to try and understand and acknowledge their inherent gifts and inclinations, and to find ways to help them live in peace and productivity (however defined) in keeping with those attributes.


I had an amazing experience and great talks with many people I met during my time in Melbourne and Sydney this time (you must be one of some special ones, honestly).
I'm appreciative that I had the chance to speak with you and receive encouragement from you.
Best regards,
Ha Bao Tram



Moment of hope amid horror of Gaza


We always intend to Make An Impact. We do this by great service. An email we received this morning is worth sharing:

The service was absolutely first class, both drivers were amazing and very helpful with my wheelchair, they were friendly and chatty and an absolute pleasure to meet them, the whole experience was wonderful and the most wonderful way to spend our Wedding Anniversary, please pass on my thanks again. Will be highly recommending your company and services to all our family and friends cheers Andrew.

WE DELIVER and are happy to do so.

1300 13 9740
9740 8233

Call now to connect with business.


The world's biggest taxi killer is UBER. Over the last decade in particular Uber has been defending allegations of misconduct, corporate espionage, hacking of computer systems and knowingly launching Uber X illegally in Victoria and other states without regulatory approval.
It has been left to the licence holders to fight back while the regulators stood by and watched. The government produces statistics every month showing how many new businesses have started here in Victoria but does not explain that every new operator of a taxi or Uber must have an ABN. This is where so many ''businesses'' start.
Uber has done everything in its power to kill off the taxi businesses of so many hard working Victorians while the regulator stood by and watched. In fact, you cannot visit the regulators office anymore, you cannot have your phone calls answered or if they do answer most of the staff have little or no idea, and you certainly will never get an email response.
Private emails by Uber have been unearthed in recent court cases which shed an unflattering light on Uber. Their use of spyware, obtaining personal details of drivers and their plans to crush opponents. There is some concern that the government breached the privacy details of some drivers by allowing release of information to Uber as well.
If you ever want to kill off a business, then Uber will show you how easy it is to manipulate governments in doing so. It is worth reading about.

Call now to connect with business.


With this pathetic Labor government showing a complete disregard for the police in Victoria and in also closing police stations in the evenings, another issue arises re public safety issues especially for taxi and rideshare drivers.
Drivers who are now forced to use the police to report anything and everything, will no longer have access to the police stations to report crimes such as assault or robbery or non payment of taxi fares.
Unfortunately, with SAFE TRANSPORT VICTORIA so much full of spin and no action and their associated closure of reporting incidents to them (unless police are in attendance), the poor old taxi driver is left to overcome these difficulties on his own.
The regulator advises:
"Incidents that must be reported:
the death of any person
the serious injury* of any person (this includes but is not limited to incidents that require emergency medical services assistance)
attendance by police
attendance by a health professional."
So from a taxi drivers perspective all we can see here is the regulator not showing much interest in assaults or robbery and now we wont have police stations open either.



Under regulations and policy changes made by the CPVV in recent years, without advice to owners and drivers, should a taxi driver be robbed, the CPVV will not download the evidence from your camera unless police attend the incident.

However, police in Victoria now have an appropriate form at each police station and drivers should insist on police officers filling in such form and sending it to the appropriate people who now calls themselves Safe Transport Victoria (STV).

Be aware that the STV, whilst they say they will help you, may not do so because their internal policies, which cannot be released to you unless you are fortunate enough to win an FOI case, suggest that they may triage some events according to issues within their own department.

We have it now from the Chief Commissioner of Police in Victoria, in writing, that he expects better standards of policing and should you not be successful in getting a police officer to help you, you must lodge a complaint with the (Police) Station Commander and insist on them following up.

Obtaining financial advantage by deception is possibly one charge that can be made against an offender and you should not give up. It is more likely that police will do their job than Safe Transport Victoria and for all a driver knows this offender may be doing this regularly.

Your BSP holds all the information from your meter.


Our company sustains hope that one day the legislators for the taxi industry will have a proper vision, a collective spirit, to ensure the sustainability of the industry.


Today the Andrews government advises people that taxi drivers must charge what is on the meter. The government does not admit that this was their own mistake that allows drivers to negotiate. fares.
The government also will not stop Uber from surcharging on Grand Final day or during the Australian Open.
Another government own goal. So now we also have the two contenders for Daniel Andrews job as Premier being shown up for what they are - incompetent:
Jacinta Allan for the Commonwealth Games cancellation
Ben Carroll for being an hypocritical Transport Minister.
The taxi industry has a lot to offer but the regulators keep stuffing it up - 5 years it has taken for them to work this out


As our teams struggle for victory on the playing field, is there a deeper meaning to winning that transcends mere conquest? Could our obsession with triumph be being challenged by a more nuanced understanding of success, encompassing not just the game, but politics, relationships, and the very essen...


Premier Dan Andrews has been running a dictatorial socialist agenda with next to no opposition and now the chickens are coming home to roost.
Not only is Victoria's debt forecast to climb past $171 billion in the next few years, they have imposed a string of new taxes and levies on their long suffering residents.
These include an additional $4.7 billion in property taxes, $3.9 billion in payroll taxes and a $3 billion mental health levy.
These taxes are in response to the financial damage the government caused during their draconian and idiotic COVID response measures.
On top of that, Victoria has nearly 10% of all working people (354,800) employed in the public sector.
The public sector is the only thing consistently growing in the state for the past four years!

Although it's been denied by the Premier, a man not renowned for telling the truth, Victoria is broke and things look set to get worse.
That reality was confirmed when the Commonwealth Games, scheduled to be held in Victoria in 2026, were cancelled yesterday.
The official reason was due to cost blowouts expected to be more than $4 billion, taking the final cost to around $7 billion.
The cancellation is a massive embarrassment for a supposedly first world government to cancel such an event so close to the commencement date.
The run-up to these types of events are usually many years and every government that bids knows the final costs are always in excess of those officially announced.
That the government thought they could host the 2026 games with a budget of $2.4 billion was a joke from the start. The same event they hosted in 2006 cost $2.9 billion, so allowing for inflation the budget was never realistic.
That didn't stop Andrews from making the games promise to help him win an election. A pathetic opposition (and media) allowed him to get away with it.
Given how much socialist dictators like bread and circuses, this is a public humiliation for Dan Andrews. Not that he will really care.
This man has the hide of a rhinoceros and is seemingly comfortable with any amount of truth dissembling during his public utterances.
Given Andrews repeated electoral success, other State Premiers have sought to follow his lead. Eventually reality will catch up with them too.
In the end, reality always comes back to money.
Socialists don't think it matters and they spend like drunken sailors on shore leave, which led to this famous quip from Margaret Thatcher.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
That 'eventuality' is drawing near for Victoria but they are not alone.
Governments across the world have been spending more than they can afford in an effort to retain their grip on power.
The've sought to placate the people with handouts and offerings, while curtailing freedoms and autonomy.
It's been the same old socialism that's failed before dressed up in a cloak of first-world democracy with a capitalist system.
One thing that won't be different is the end result.
In that respect, Socialism, in whatever guise it is plied, always takes us to the same dreadful place.




"We are our grandparents. How we treat them reflects on how we treat ourselves. Be kind. Be loving. Be strong."

PRE BOOK and be GUARANTEED ON TIME PICK UPS.You can book days or weeks in advance.1300 22 1018www.ridesharevictoria.com....

You can book days or weeks in advance.
1300 22 1018
We have taxis, taxi vans, limousines

Hi Phil,We thank you very much for your always 11/10 service.Very rare to find in this day and age.Take care and have a ...

Hi Phil,
We thank you very much for your always 11/10 service.
Very rare to find in this day and age.
Take care and have a good day.
Many Thanks,
Brian and Elena

The AFL starts next weekend but unfortunately many train lines are having disruptions, including the SUNBURY line yet ag...

The AFL starts next weekend but unfortunately many train lines are having disruptions, including the SUNBURY line yet again. So, if you require transport to any AFL match, or to any other event, always know that you can pre book on:
0412 181 896
0419 012 701
1300 22 1018
1300 139 740
or email [email protected]

Wow. It is a big New Year. We have numerous bookings going to the New Years races at Hanging Rock. (Now that is a touris...

Wow. It is a big New Year. We have numerous bookings going to the New Years races at Hanging Rock. (Now that is a tourist attraction worth visiting with many wineries in the area).
And then we have the fireworks in the city which people are going to and others going to Williamstown where they will get a magnificent view across the bay of those same fireworks.
You can get a taxi or limousine with us by pre booking using our email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected] .
We reply to all correspondence.

FOR THE COMMUNITY.If you are travelling along the DIGGERS REST BULLA ROAD recently you will be aware of much digging. Th...

If you are travelling along the DIGGERS REST BULLA ROAD recently you will be aware of much digging. This is your gas line and the base of the OUTER WESTERN RING ROAD due in around 2034.

The gas line is still going ahead even though the government is advising everyone that we are all expected to be ''electrical''. But that is government for you..............................................................................................

Western Outer Ring Main Project
We're completing the missing link in Victoria's gas supply network
Construction is underway on the Western Outer Ring Main (WORM) Project.
Christmas period shutdown.
The project will shut down for the Christmas/New Year period from 23 December 2022 until 3 January 2023. There will be no work during this time, however the project will still be contactable through the channels listed below.
January 2023 works.
In the New Year we will be carrying out works through the following areas:
• Fraser Rise
• Diggers Rest
• Bulla
• Oaklands Junction
• Mickleham
• Beveridge
• Donnybrook.
Key works will include further clear and grade, pipe laying and drilling which may generate noise or dust. Work will be carried out in accordance with our environmental management plan and dedicated environmental staff will be on site monitoring conditions. The roads and public areas in the vicinity of the work may be impacted by occasional speed limit changes, road detours and traffic management.

Planned works and activities in January
A wide range of external factors can impact on construction timeframes so please be aware that sequencing of the activities may change
There may also be a need to conduct occasional works outside of normal business hours. In these situations we will be in touch with those impacted to keep them informed of activities and planned duration.
Fencing, clearing and grading
• We will be preparing the RoW for construction, including installing fencing, removing existing vegetation and levelling the ground
• Temporary paths will be created in the road reserve to access the RoW
• Other works taking place in the RoW will involve the use of graders, bulldozers and excavators
• Topsoil and vegetation will be stockpiled for use in restoring the area once construction is complete.
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
• We will be preparing the area for the HDD process, installing fencing and constructing a hardstand for equipment laydown and storage
• Works will take place in the RoW, with access via the road reserve
• These works will involve the use of graders, bulldozers, excavators and specialised drilling equipment
• Check out this video for more information on Horizontal Directional Drilling.
Pipe laying and bending
• We will be using specialised trucks to transport sections of the pipeline to each location
• The sections of pipe will be laid end to end alongside the easement, next to where the trench will be dug
• These works will involve the use of cranes and large delivery trucks
• Works will take place in the RoW, with access via the road reserve
• Check out the How we're building the pipeline video below for more detail on pipe stringing.

How we're building the pipeline
Are you interested to find out more about the current works taking place in your area?
Have a look at our construction methodology video to learn more about how we're building the gas transmission pipeline.

Connect with us
• Call us on 1800 951 444
• Email [email protected]
• Text WORM to 0429 664 722
• Visit our website for more information about the Western Outer Ring Main Project

If you require information in languages other than English, please call the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) National on 131 450

APA Group
Western Outer Ring Main Project
Level 14, 60 City Road
Southbank, VIC 3006
Project hotline: 1800 951 444
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.apa.com.au/worm
If you require information in languages other than English, please call the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) National on 131 450
You are receiving this email as a stakeholder or interested party to APA's Western Outer Ring Main project.
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Just having a laugh at our neighbours.

Just having a laugh at our neighbours.

1300 221018 or9740 8233

1300 221018
9740 8233

Sunbury LineBuses replace trainsStarts: 8:25pm Friday 16 September 2022Ends: Last service Sunday 18 September 2022PLANNE...

Sunbury Line
Buses replace trains

Starts: 8:25pm Friday 16 September 2022

Ends: Last service Sunday 18 September 2022


Sunbury LineBuses replace trainsStarts: 8:00pm Saturday 13 August 2022Ends: Last service Tuesday 23 August 2022

Sunbury Line
Buses replace trains

Starts: 8:00pm Saturday 13 August 2022

Ends: Last service Tuesday 23 August 2022

Sunbury lineBuses replace trains 8.55pm to last service each night, Monday 8 August to Wednesday 10 August 2022Starts: 8...

Sunbury line
Buses replace trains 8.55pm to last service each night, Monday 8 August to Wednesday 10 August 2022

Starts: 8:55pm Monday 8 August 2022

Ends: Last service Wednesday 10 August 2022

Pre book your taxis for airport and medical appointments up to a month in advance.
1300 22 1018

Sunbury, Craigieburn and Upfield linesNo City Loop servicesStarts: 9:00pm Sunday 31 July 2022Ends: Last service Wednesda...

Sunbury, Craigieburn and Upfield lines
No City Loop services

Starts: 9:00pm Sunday 31 July 2022

Ends: Last service Wednesday 3 August 2022

PRE BOOKINGS ARE ALMOST ESSENTIAL FOR AIRPORT DEPARTURES.We have been doing plenty lately but every now and then someone...

We have been doing plenty lately but every now and then someone calls and expects a taxi straight away. Our company gives preference to those that book early for everything.
It is noticeable that people are sometimes ringing Uber and finding there are none available. If you pre book the day before or weeks before, that booking time is yours and your taxi will arrive on time.

Note too that we have chauffeur cars and limousines if you require them

1300 22 1018
[email protected]

More people are beginning to catch on and pre booking taxis. With the airport now into full swing domestically, we are b...

More people are beginning to catch on and pre booking taxis. With the airport now into full swing domestically, we are being overloaded with bookings some days, so get in early.
This also applies for those with medical appointments.
Our company has affiliation with an account service for TAC so if you have advice from TAC that you can use a taxi, it is possible we can assist.

0412 181 896
0419 012 701
1300 22 1018

All people welcome at all times



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