Help Find a Space !!!
The first 'Art, Not Apart' after-party saw 50 people cram into a New Acton basement about 8 years ago. Last year we had over 1000 partygoers enjoy a warehouse extravaganza. It was a showcase of local, national and international talent through music, art, dance, and all kinds of rave wizardry.
Unfortunately, there is an acute lack of medium to large venues, and even vacant warehouses, in Canberra and surrounds. Even industrial areas are not zoned in a way that allows events to take place. Something that Andrew Barr ACT Chief Minister as Minister for Events should be looking to change.
In light of this dilemma, it seems we may not be able to go ahead with this year's event.
But we will not go down without a fight, so here's one last shot. We are professional event managers with 25 years of experience, we have that much insurance you'd give Stevie Wonder the keys to your car, we have an army of security, cleaners, volunteers, and most importantly, want to make Canberra a place that people want to live (and party).
We are offering the world's best bottle of tequila, or the equivalent cost of $2700, to anyone who has an empty warehouse for us to use on Saturday, March 16.
Get the feelers out, people, and don't say we didn't give it a nudge.