Live at the Chapel Australasia hosts a network of live@thechapel venues across Australia and New Zealand. live@thechapel events showcase the music of Australasian contemporary artists & bands whose music is an expression of a Judeo-Christian faith & worldview
- to encourage & resource the setting up of a network of venues in every major city & growth area of Australia & New Zealand wher
e artists & bands with a Judeo-Christian faith & worldview can minister through their music.
- to provide several sacred spaces where ministry-oriented artists & bands can share God’s Word through music/song in a very natural & spontaneous way.
- to establish regular, monthly or bimonthly pre-evangelistic events to which Christians can invite their nonchristian friends as well as new Christians. LIVE@THE CHAPEL VENUES
live@thechapel Australasia is a ministry carried out in partnership with the coordinator of Live at the Chapel Australasia, and Aussie Christian Gigs. They will provide a network and support of live@the chapel venues across Australia and New Zealand. Each live@thechapel venue is hosted by a local church and coordinator. A local coordinator needs to have a God-given passion for Australasian artists & bands and their music. Each venue will feature an artist and have the type of night of their choice. low-key artists nights, worship artists, etc
live@thechapel is a family-friendly event in that it starts early and finishes early. It is a transgenerational event in that it appeals to various age groups of the church & community. The coordinator of Live at the Chapel Australasia, Frank, is available to host churches & local coordinators as a resource person. He can assist in the following ways: -
- the setting up of a page
- how to prepare for each event
- the writing of press releases
- artist/band recommendations
- Gympie, QLD:
- Sunbury, Vic:
- Melton, Vic:
- Sydney, NSW:
- Nambour, QLD:
- Bendigo, Vic :
- Aussie Christian Gigs:
WHY NOT HOST A LIVE@THECHAPEL VENUE IN YOUR AREA ? If you would like to host a live@thechapel venue in your church, check out the live@thechapel Proposal (click on the 'More' tab and then click on 'Notes'), and please message us or phone Frank on 0457 721 435 to discuss further.