Immerse yourself in the dalliances of a Classic High Tea with Melbourne’s original Mobile High Tea company. Delivering dainty delicacies and the finest high tea wares for over 20 years. Book your Classic High Tea at Home experience with Classic High Tea #hightea #highteamelbourne #highteaathome #highteahire #vintageteacup #teacups #highteaparty #highteaparty #vintagehightea #highteatime
Imagine sipping on a delicate cup of tea. The aroma fills your senses as you take a sip. The China is exquisite, the silverware intricate and the delicate morsels oh so delicious. The entire experience is a feast for all of the senses. Contact Classic High Tea to book your special High Tea experience #hightea #highteamelbourne #highteaathome #highteahire #vintageteacup #teacups #highteaparty #highteaparty #vintagehightea #highteatime #cupcake
Hire Stunning original high tea wares with Classic High Tea #hightea #highteaparty #highteatime #highteaathome #highteamelbourne #highteaset #highteasilverteapots #highteaflowers #highteahire
High Tea Hire. Bridal Showers, Baby Showers, Birthdays, Engagements, Weddings. We cater all of your Special Occasions #hightea #highteaparty #highteabridalshower #highteababyshower #highteabirthday #highteahire #highteaathome #highteamelbourne #highteacatering #hightealife #classichightea #vintageteacup #vintageteapot #vintagetablecloth #vintagenapkins
Special Birthdays, Beautiful Bridal Showers, Breathtaking Baby Showers or just because friends are worth spoiling. Book your awe inspiring High Tea at Home with Classic High Tea. Call today for a chat about how we can make your high tea dreams come true❤️💫#hightea #highteaparty #highteahire #highteaathome #highteamelbourne #highteabridalshower #highteabirthday #highteababyshower
High Tea at Home. Classic high tea pay homage to all of the delightful hallmarks that personify a Classic High Tea. We Hire, We Cater, We Style. #hightea #highteaparty #highteatime #highteasociety #highteaathome #highteamelbourne #highteacatering #highteateacups #highteabirthday #highteabridalshower #highteababyshower #highteadecor #hightea
Classic High Tea Hire the whitest vintage linen - all hand washed and air dried in the soft sunlight and gentle breeze. We use all natural non toxic products for the cleanest freshest softest whites. We do not use commercial laundries with harsh toxic chemicals and everything smells like a heavenly spring day 🌸
Classic High Tea, Scones!!! Thank you for your very kind words Jade @jadezoni @mumwithwings An absolute pleasure providing our High Tea services for your daughters special birthday ❤️