Out of Office ✨ 22 Dec ~ 6 Jan.
2024 oh what a year!! I am still in shock that it’s the end of the year. This year has felt like the quickest year of my life whilst also there have been times that seemed to drag forever.
My personal life was one hell of a rollercoaster with lots of great days and moments and some truly challenging ones too! I’m looking forward to creating my life by design in 2025 because as we know “nothing changes if nothing changes.”
When it comes to being Alix the Celebrant it was another glorious year of helping gorgeous couples get married!
56 couples to be exact and 34 of those were weekday weddings (which has got me thinking of some exciting changes for this business of mine)
I feel forever grateful to all my couples who trust me to be their celebrant, I never take the privilege of being a the one to help you marry your person for granted 😘
I’m so proud of everything I’ve achieved this year including a kickass industry part that my pal Matthew and I hosted and I can’t wait to bring to life all our ideas in 2025!
I’m wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season; may it be filled with lots of love, relaxation, time in nature, laughter, adventures, good food and a whole fun!
Big love from me to you ###
#alixthecelebrant #adelaidecelebrant #weddingsbyalix #loveislove #adelaidewedding #adelaideelopement #unbridelysuppliers #letsgetyoumarried #thecelebrantsociety #outofoffice #endoftheyearwrapup
Let’s talk about… your wedding party and where they should/could stand on your wedding day.
This is a personal choice and will be different for every couple and there is no right or wrong! “You do you” as they say. However, I like to be the “permission giver” when it comes to my couples and doing things differently.
There are many options for where your wedding party can stand/sit during your ceremony but the main 3 options I see are:
1. The wedding party stands at the front with the couple getting married on the same side as their friend getting married - for example if there is a bride and groom, the bridesmaids stand in a row next to the bride and the groomsmen stand in a row next to the groom.
2. The wedding party stand at the front but the opposite side to their friend getting married.
- for example if their are two brides named Sarah and Kate and they have 3 besties in their wedding party, Sarah’s crew stand on Kates side and Kates crew stand on Sarah’s side. This means that your crew see your face during the ceremony and can witness all your emotions.
3. The wedding party sits with the other guests (which is what I talk about in this reel) I would have your wedding party enter the ceremony as normal, I’d speak through the introduction/welcome and then ask for a round of applause for your wedding party who would then sit with the guests.
Lots of couples choose this option as it means you get some photos with your wedding party and then they can sit and watch the ceremony, taking it all in without looking at the back of your head 🙊 you wedding party could join at the end of the ceremony to follow you down the aisle as well.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you’d do for your wedding 👇🏼
#alixthecelebrant #adelaidecelebrant #weddingsbyalix #loveislove #adelaidewedding #adelaideelopement #unbridelysuppliers #letsgetyoumarried #thecelebrantsociety #weddingparty #idocrew #bridesmaids #groomsmen #sitorstand
| F O U R | Today marks 4 years as a registered Celebrant. 4 years 🤩❤️
It’s hard to believe that it was 5 years ago that an idea turned into a plan and then 4 years ago today 02.08.2017 a dream came true!
I sit here reflecting and what keeps coming to mind is an overwhelming sense of PRIDE.
This little business of mine is just that, it’s mine and more than that it’s me.
When you pick me as your celebrant your choosing me, Alix the person and I will forever be grateful to each and every couple who have chosen me to play such an important role on their wedding day. It is a privilege that I do not take for granted.
It’s been 4 years; 4 years of meeting amazing humans, connecting with incredible wedding suppliers, learning about small business, building connections and most importantly it’s been 4 years of learning about myself.
Thank you to each and every one of you who has supported me and my business since 2017 – I adore you all… you’re so golden ☀️
•cover photo by the glorious @lilacinhand_photography
#alixthecelebrant #adelaidecelebrant #moderncelebrant #lovewins #weddingsbyalix #loveislove #marriageequality #adelaideweddingsupplier #smallbusinessaustralia #4years
| A L I X the Celebrant | the wait is finally over; I have a video of me doing my thang woohoo!
Being a Celebrant has changed my life.✨I will often leave a ceremony thinking “wow, this is my job…I get to help two humans get married and to share in a day that is full of so much love, vulnerability, joy and excitement”. I do not take for granted how damn lucky I am.
During my journey thus far, I have been lucky enough to work alongside the legend that is @lightwise_ so it was a no brainer that I would have Sam create a video to show me doing the job that I love, and as usual, he has created something truly wonderful.
Thank you, Sam!! & Thank you to all the lovers who have chosen me to be a part of their wedding day, I do a little happy dance each and every time I am booked as your Celebrant❤️🥰
Hey The Advertiser & SALIFE magazine
I’ve got a bone to pick with you.
First of all, I love your work!
But secondly I’m a little sad and disappointed that when a couple are featured in your magazine/ paper that the celebrant isn’t ALWAYS mentioned.
We are important and without us, the marriage isn’t valid! Without us, it’s just a party, without us ain’t no one getting married. We put in ALOT of effort with out couples and the couples I’ve seen recently published are couples that I’ve formed friendships with, who have sent me thank you’s and whose weddings I will never forget.
Most of the time we are from South Australia and love that we live here and hugely advocate for how amazing our state is, so it would be super nice if when a wedding was published, our names got a mention too... just a thought ❤️
Oh hey everyone!!
Still out of the office on my Europe adventure but wanted to say Hi as I’m missing you all.
We’re in Amsterdam for one more day and then off to Italy tomorrow woohoo! Xx
| J U N E |
When you’ve successfully made it through wedding season with 27 couples married for 2019 so far AND being June means two very exciting things!
1. @thecelebrantsociety annual conference in Sydney with 200 rockstar celebrants! Learning, laughing and just having a damn good time!
2. Hubby and I are going to Europe for 5 whole weeks!! What?!
Ps: How cool is this gif made by my girl @lilacinhand_photography - I am in love!!