It is not just a mainstream firm where the followed motto is to regenerate mainstream ideas again and again rather it is a brand where we choose to walk on an utterly different track from the mediocre Event Management firms operating in the country. The oath we took to follow is to bring new dimension and novelty to the Event Management as well as to create something out of the box. The power forc
e that has driving this firm is the dedication and creativeness of some ambitious as well as innovative students of renowned universities in Bangladesh. The combination of juniors who possess excessive zeal of learning and seniors who hold the power of experience and knowledge puts in a completely different level. As the firm is fueled by the power of youth, our core events concentrated on youth developments, youth leadership as well as other non-traditional events also. To some extent event management may refers to arrange weddings or birthdays. As our primary focus is youth and to connect with them directly on an intense level and thus it is our highest priority to generate unique events where the youths can foster their talent & leadership skills through us & implement it in different sector of our country. This firm is not primarily event centered. Our focus in this regard is to cover all the places in Bangladesh regarding social activation program. Circle not only gets involved with organizing event but also understands social responsibility and the influence of it on people’s lives.