#bride #brideshoot #chitrokothabd #chitrokotha #photogpherkhulna #weddingphotography #weddingphotographykhulna #weddingday
স্কুল জীবনের গন্ডী পেরিয়ে সকলেই এগিয়ে যাচ্ছি জীবনের আরো এক ধাপ সামনে। স্কুল জীবনটা কি, সেটা আজ বুঝতে না পারলেও। একদিন হঠাৎ যখন এফবি টাইম লাইনে বা মোবাইল গেলারিতে ভেসে উঠবে এই স্মৃতি।তখন এক দীর্ঘ নিঃশ্বাস ফেলে বলবো , "আহ কতই না সুন্দর ছিল দিনগুলো!"
KPC rag day 2022 || ©️চিত্রকথা-Chitrokotha || Touhidul Islam Sabbir / Himel Roy
#kpcschool #khulnapublicschool
#kpc2022 #kpcian #kpciankhulna #kpcrag2022 #kpcskhulna #RagDay #chitrokothabd #teamchitrokotha #chitrokotha #colourfest #concert22 #bloodcell22 #সম্যক২২
specially thanks to Rashu, Sagor & Leon
কাগজে কলমে দীর্ঘ ৮বছরের স্কুলজীবন শেষ হয়েছে ঠিকই, তবে কাঁধে কাঁধ রেখে এতোটা পথ পেরোতেই রয়ে গেছে হাজারো স্মৃতি। যা থেকে যাবে অমলিন। জোসেফিয়ানরা যেখানেই থাকুক, আমৃত্যু তারা এক।
©️চিত্রকথা-ChitroKotha || Touhidul islam sabbir/Dipjyoti roy
#stjosephschool #saintjoseph
#stjhs2022 #stjoseph #josephian #josephiankhulna #stjsrag2022 #stjskhulna #RagDay #chitrokothabd #teamchitrokotha #chitrokotha #LionsSchool #colourfest #concert22 #avoidrafa22 #incore22 #অসমাপ্ত২২
STJ rag day 2021
©️চিত্রকথা-ChitroKotha || Dipjyoti roy
Contact with us for Professional Photography and Cinematography! 🖤
For any query inbox us! 📨
Or directly call us! ✅
📌Note: We providing our services all over BD!!! 🌼
Book us before out of date! ❎
#stjosephschool #saintjoseph
#stjhs2021 #stjoseph #josephian #josephiankhulna #stjsrag2021 #stjskhulna #RagDay #chitrokothabd #teamchitrokotha #chitrokotha #cssavacentre #cssavakhulna
KCGS rag day 2021!!!
©️চিত্রকথা-ChitroKotha || Dipjyoti Roy
Contact with us for Professional Photography and Cinematography! 🖤
For any query inbox us! 📨
Or directly call us! ✅
📌Note: We providing our services all over BD!!! 🌼
Book us before out of date! ❎
#kcgs #kcgs2021 #kcgsrag2021 #kcgskhulna #chitrokothabd #chitrokotha #cssavacentre #cssavakhulna #moment #bdportrait #চিত্রকথা #চিত্রকথা_chitrokotha #Chitrokothakhulna #chitrokothadhaka #chitrokothajessore #chitrokothabagerhat #teamchitrokotha #teamchitrokothabd #chitrokotha21 #চিত্রকথা২১ #chitrokothaofficial #photographerkhulna #photographykhulna #photographybd
Jao Pakhi Bolo Tare (Lofi Remix) Cinematography & Edited By: Dipjyoti Roy
© চিত্রকথা-ChitroKotha || Dipjyoti Roy
You are seeing Mehajabin Aktar 🤩
Jao Pakhi Bolo Tare (Lofi Remix)
Cinematography & Edited By:Dipjyoti
For better view: https://youtu.be/hEucDhEsHJo
❎Booking available for following months!
Contact with us for premium weddings || events || birthdays || outdoors photography and cinematography! 🌻
We do it in a reasonable price! ✅
For any query inbox us! 📨
Or directly call us! ✅
📞01824851762 || 01775457682
📌Note: We providing our services all over BD!!! 🌼
Book us before out of date! ❎
#চিত্রকথা #চিত্রকথা_chitrokotha #Chitrokothakhulna #chitrokothadhaka #chitrokothajessore #chitrokothabagerhat #teamchitrokotha #teamchitrokothabd #chitrokotha21 #চিত্রকথা২১ #chitrokothaofficial #photographerkhulna #photographykhulna #photographybd
Coming Soon....
Coming Soon...
Do you want to make your special day more memorable? Would you like to share it with others? Then you can choose us!!! Your satisfaction is our revenue!!! 🌻
❎Booking available for following months!!!
Contact with us for premium weddings || events || birthdays || outdoors photography and cinematography! 🌻
We do it in a reasonable price! ✅
For any query inbox us! 📨
Or directly call us! ✅
📞01824851762 || 01775457682
📌Note: We providing our services all over BD!!! 🌼
Book us before out of date! ❎