While spinning the wheels behind her decks for the last 8 years, @amy.technologic (also known as AMY) has been collecting the best musical masterpieces for your good mood. From old school classic to new school bangers – we assure you she has your favourite songs already loaded.
Vladilena, already known as @rockyw.w , is a singer, producer, model, and for the past 2 years, she has been a guest DJ in Bulgarian nightclubs. Her extensive stage experience and musical education are a prerequisite for a comprehensive artistry, as we can hear in her DJ sets. In them, you will discover both your favorite Hip-Hop/RnB hits and emerging artists and styles from around the world.
While spinning the wheels behind her decks for the last 8 years, @amy.technologic (also known as AMY) has been collecting the best musical masterpieces for your good mood. From old school classic to new school bangers – we assure you she has your favourite songs already loaded.
Vladilena, already known as Rocky, is a singer, producer, model, and for the past 2 years, she has been a guest DJ in Bulgarian nightclubs. Her extensive stage experience and musical education are a prerequisite for a comprehensive artistry, as we can hear in her DJ sets. In them, you will discover both your favorite Hip-Hop/RnB hits and emerging artists and styles from around the world.
Stamina Artist Management Workshop with D.Georgiev and H. Rachev
Monk, inspired by jazz legend Thelonious Monk, is the pseudonym of Hristo Rachev, a musician with over a decade of experience as a concert pianist and chamber performer. As the founder of Sound Ninja Music Academy , he brings a strong influence from jazz and electronic underground culture, spending five active years behind the DJ booth, producing styles like downtempo, trip-hop, drum&bass, dubstep, and EDM. Hristo is also the sole certified Steinberg trainer in Bulgaria, teaching music software and production, creating instructional videos, hosting the academy's podcast, and actively participating in all initiatives.
Dimitar Georgiev, the Berlin-based sonic sorcerer, defies all conventions not only through his residency at Stamina but also as a formidable producer. After graduating from the SAE Institute in Vienna, he serves up audacious tunes that hit like a sonic wrecking ball, while his mix and mastering services take you on a wild and unbridled journey through sound.
Stamina Music Workshop w/ Lag, George Eve & Kanz (5 Years Anniversary)
Just a little over a year ago, we celebrated our 5th birthday with an incredible DJ and production workshop at the innovative Hyperspace Social Tech Hub , featuring Commissar Lag , George Eve, and Kanz.
The positive response from all of you was fantastic, so we've decided to bring back the magic with another free seminar this time DOM from 20:00 - 22:00, just before the party this Saturday. Our esteemed speakers for the evening will be @dimitar and Hristo Rachev, focusing on the first steps in music production, gathering the right set of tools, creating an artistic profile, and discussing common mistakes made by beginners. 📖
Huge thanks to DOM for hosting the second workshop and a massive shoutout to Hyperspace Social Tech Hub , @_acidkid_ and @kei_sof for their unwavering support in organizing the first one.
We will be sharing the full video of episode one soon via YouTube. 🎞️
#workshop #musicproduction #music #artistjourney
Cinnamint always sets the right atmosphere. A true showcase of what opening duties should be.
We are coming back next week for the second edition of our local talent series, starting with a workshop by @dimitar.techno and @soundninjaacademy and then continuing on the dancefloor of @clubdombg
See you there 🫡
Get ready for round two of Stamina: Дом за всички! 🚀
Join us for an enlightening workshop led by Hristo Rachev, the mastermind behind Sofia's @soundninjaacademy and Stamina's co-founder, @dimitar.techno. The workshop kicks off at 8 pm, and yes, it's absolutely FREE! Once the music starts, the main floor will come alive with @steph.sound @martindeno_ and @sllavldn , while the haze room will be ignited by @amy.technologic and @rockyw.w
Anyone attending the workshop gets complimentary free entry to the party! For others, party-only tickets are up for grabs on Resident Advisor or at the door. 🌐
Main Floor: Steph, Martin Deno, SLLAV
Haze Room: Shamy and Rocky
Tickets from Resident Advisor 20 BGN 🎟️
On the door: 25 BGN 🚪
Reaching out to the locals
29.12.2023 DOM
@handmade.dj few weeks ago at our bday with @tresorberlin
Ready for the next show?
#endofyearparty #newideas #collaboration
Stamina @ Plazma 20.01.2023
📍Тийм Stamina отново се завръща в в града на тепетата благодарение на Plazma ! Превърна се в традиция да откриваме годината с визита в Пловдив.
Ще се видим скоро!
📍20 януари, Plazma
🖌 Design - Markov
Ancient Methods @ Stamina 18.03.22
Очакваме ви утре, този път на италианска вълна!
⚔️ Stamina w/ D-Leria ⚔️
Stamina ### ART w/ stepho.tto
⚔️ Stamina ### stepho.tto ⚔️
Stamina w/ Ancient Methods
👇Запознай се със Стефи👇
Стефи е млад фотограф по призвание и social media manager по професия. Нейния обектив е винаги насочен към нещата, които я вълнуват, като фотографиите и се превръщат в цветен откъслечен дневник на разнообразните и преживявания. Често повтаряща се тематика са ръцете и големи архитектурни структури - сблъсквайки личното с общественото в колажи, с художествена стойност.
Като човек се определя като директна, комплексна и емоционална, а като артист все още само като любител.
Да пресечеш нежността от интимно личното със суровостта на необятно общественото не е лесна задача, но Стеф го прави да изглежда като детска игра в принтовете си.
Ако искаш да надникнеш във визуалния и дневник:
⭐ Последвай Стефи на @stepho.tto
⭐ Ела на 18.03 във Фабрика 126
📍Вход свободен преди 22:00📍
⏰ 18.03.2022
Stamina ### ART w/ tattoos.haha
⚔️ Stamina w/ Ancient Methods ⚔️
Васи е талантлив млад илюстратор и татуист. Както закачливо споменава инстаграм акаунта и, тя успешно се развива в София като татуист, но това направление не може цялостно да обхване страстта и към изкуството. Когато я попитахме да определи себе си като човек с три думи, тя ни даде пет различни варианта, затова ние ще кажем, че водещото е нерешителна, но забавна. Като артист доста по-бързо успява да се определи: татуировки, хаотичност, импровизация. Въпреки че е млада, това не я спира да изгради силно и впечатляващо портфолио от дизайни, всички с ясно дефиниран стил, уникален за българската аудитория.
На партито отново ще ни поднесе своите невероятни артистични способности под формата на илюстрации и колажи, за които нямаме търпение да видим.
Нашия съвет е:
⭐ Бързо да си запазиш час при нея, преди да е станала прекалено известна!
⭐ Да я последваш на @tattoos.haha за спорадичните и забавни мемета, които пуска!
⭐ Да се присъединиш към нас на 18.03 във Фабрика 126, за да видиш готините и принтове на живо!
📍Вход свободен преди 22:00📍
⏰ 18.03.2022