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Current remaining number of featured placement slots in Bandar Seri Begawan: 2
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10th designs
ADPutera B Sdn. Bhd.
AIZ Event Planner & Management
AQ Photobooth
AdXpert Marketing
AdsAllure Advertising
Airtimes Media Management
Aisyah Zahirah Online Shop
Amaze Event Management
Ambuyat Kitchen
Amirun's Boutique & Tailoring
Art of bloom brunei
Assara Katering
Ath-Thara Wedding Gallery
Athieq Catering Services
Atmosphere events management
BJE Studio
Bali Pitstop Boutique & Tailoring
Balloon Buzz Ria Brunei
Bambusa.Co Brunei
Bloom Project
Borneo Kopitiam Gadong
Brunei Boat & Holiday Expo
Brunei Entrepreneur Legacy
Brunei International Gegar Festival
Bumblebee Sugar & Savoury Kitchen
CCP Splashing
CWB Photography
Casturi Cater
Cdah Henna Beauty, C D A H B E A U
ChamCham Live Cook
Cheenta By Maszalina
Damalee Wedding Brunei
Dapur Ummi Hazizah - chefkhairulosman
De' Auby Wedding Signature - Dias
Decor Brunei
Dewan Ar Rahmah
Dhiyaul Iman Page
Emcee Azizi Azalie
Enchanted Deco services
Escapee Brunei
EventKu Brunei
Flair Deco by D & F
Funblocks Playground Brunei
Gegar Ria Raya Fest
Gerai Nurul (GN)
Giggle Works
Graze Avenue
HAZ Bridal and Boutique
Hana EMB Event Management
Happy Jump Time Bouncer Services
Happy Strings
Hommed Baga Catering Services
Hương Quê Catering Restaurant
Icecream - Gentlemen Bros & Co.
Iman I Bridal & Atelier
Immix Event Management BN
Jazzfam Dance Fitness
Juadah Mnna Cafe
Kern & Hani Dream Wedding
Kie’s Bridal Boutique
Le Voeu Events Company
Litrato Photo Booth Brunei
Lovely Bridal Brunei
Luxe Elegance Events Co.
MILO BN Catering Services
Mahligai Seri Pengantin
Mariah Ada Catering
Maszalina Event Management & Services
Maszalina Weddings
Mavens' Hive
MayDya BN Eshoppe
Mountain Wedding Services Brunei
NMW Photography
Nadzz Photography
Nona Manis
Noril Butik Amirun 2
Nurhayana Enterprise
Nyala Desa
Ocean Week Brunei
Omarrose Bouncer Enterprise
Otaku A&Cos Corner
P.S.M Restaurant & Catering
Pattaya Thai Food & Catering - Beribi
Pesona Wanita Brunei
Petani Restaurant
Pinoy Express & Catering Services
Portrageek Photography
Prismworks Events Management
Pro Event
Propsku Events
Pulse Pro Services Sdn Bhd
Qaisara Dreams Events
QuadraVision Brunei
Quadravision Decoration
RS Bridal & Car Rental
Raja Sehari
Rakaman Langsung Jideoz 2017
Rasa Ceria Café est 1995
Raul Padernal Photography
Red Canopy Restaurant & Catering
Rock Solid Event Management & Marketing Services
Rovansil restaurant & caterer
Ruyi Restaurant & Catering
Saprah Catering Brunei
Satu Group
Sentuhan Benang Emas ~ Syarikat Nurfazarimad
Serambi Kasih Pengantin
Sindim Touch Gallery - Brunei
SirihJunjung Accessories & Craft
Sofais Catering
Solution By Designz
Spades Productions & Events
Spring Harvest Florist
Sri Melaka Restaurant and Catering
Su Moi TV Game
Sweet Cinnamon Restaurant & Catering Services
Syazzhany Bouncer
Teepee Sleeps Brunei
The Dhiya Gubahan Hantaran
The Elegant Seal
The Original Gramsi
The Syaz’s Kitchen
To Enhance Your Occasion
Ukiran Jiwa
Wan's Deco
Wan’s Deco
Wardee Bouncer
Wedding Accessories Melabau
Wedding Cerita Cinta BN
Ya-Nur Catering
Zella Bridal
Ziggi's Home Studio
�Signaturefoodsby Q-midMay2018