Jim Hetherington Wedding Officiant

Jim Hetherington Wedding Officiant As a Relationship Coach and Wedding Officiant I help couples get married and help them stay married.

All too often, we allow our stories to become our hiding places. Fear of judgment, or perhaps of confronting our reflect...

All too often, we allow our stories to become our hiding places. Fear of judgment, or perhaps of confronting our reflections, keeps us shielded behind a facade shaped by our past experiences.

While these narratives shape us, they do not have to define us. We possess a God-given capacity to think, reason, and evolve through our experiences. We can draw from a wealth of resources to redefine ourselves and break free from the past.

Itโ€™s time to shed the masks, pain, and shame that have cloaked your true potential. Step into the person you were always meant to be. Donโ€™t let your past dictate your future. Instead, extract the lessons, harness the wisdom, and carve a new path forward.

As you embark on this journey, new opportunities will unfold, supporting your transformation. Others will notice this change; it may even inspire them to embark on their own paths of growth.

The moment to act is now. Embrace change, lead by example, and ignite a movement of transformation. Step into your true self and redefine your story.

As you become your best, you will challenge others to become their best.

๐ŸŒŸ Calling All Entrepreneurial Couples! ๐ŸŒŸAre you navigating both a successful business and a fulfilling marriage? Share y...

๐ŸŒŸ Calling All Entrepreneurial Couples! ๐ŸŒŸ

Are you navigating both a successful business and a fulfilling marriage? Share your story in "Your Relationship Roadmap Vol. 2" and inspire others on the same journey. Help couples find balance and success in both love and business.

๐Ÿ“š Apply to contribute today and make a lasting impact!

There is limited space. Book a call now to discuss how you would support entrepreneurs on their journey. www.jimh360.com

Forty-two years ago, a young couple said, "I Do." They had no idea what the future path would hold; all they knew was th...

Forty-two years ago, a young couple said, "I Do." They had no idea what the future path would hold; all they knew was that they wanted to travel together.

Their lives crossed paths in a most unusual way and amidst some very challenging scenarios. It was serendipitous, and they knew God had orchestrated the whole thing.

Today, looking back, the two are pleased with the choice they made and are still excited, for the last chapter has yet to be written. They have discovered the power of choiceโ€”the power of choosing love at every turn.

Who is this couple? Jim and Mary Hetherington. The power of two becoming one is a remarkable experience, made possible by the right choice, the grace of God, and the decision that the only way forward is together, without question.

Mary, I love you, and I'm delighted to have travelled this road with you. I am excited about the chapters we will write together.

I did my first pop-up wedding and had a blast. The family and friends thought they were just gathering for a BBQ. Then s...

I did my first pop-up wedding and had a blast.

The family and friends thought they were just gathering for a BBQ. Then surprise!!! I made the announcement about what was really going on. It was a bit cold outside but hearts were warm and everyone had an amazing time.

Congratulations Taira Balsor and A.j. Kitson I wish you both a world of happiness ๐Ÿ˜Š

Unlock the Power of Connection: You can create magic moments in your day and week by deliberately silencing the noise, t...

Unlock the Power of Connection: You can create magic moments in your day and week by deliberately silencing the noise, turning towards each other, and diving into rich conversations.

Some days feel longer and more challenging than others. But in the grand scheme of things, time goes by quickly.We do no...

Some days feel longer and more challenging than others. But in the grand scheme of things, time goes by quickly.

We do not know what life holds, so take advantage of every day you can. Cherish the little things, and don't sweat things you can't control.

This is a quote I posted last year but it serves as a good reminder as we begin a new year.What 1 thing are you going to...

This is a quote I posted last year but it serves as a good reminder as we begin a new year.

What 1 thing are you going to change as you move from 2023 to 2024?

Always cherish the fact that love is a choice. You and your partner consciously choose to love each other, and it's your...

Always cherish the fact that love is a choice.

You and your partner consciously choose to love each other, and it's your joyful responsibility to continuously affirm the goodness of your choices through your daily actions and a heartwarming attitude.

"Remember, while the winds of circumstance may blow unpredictably, the sails of our attitude are firmly in our grasp. Wi...

"Remember, while the winds of circumstance may blow unpredictably, the sails of our attitude are firmly in our grasp.

With the right mindset, we can reshape our world!

Let's seize control of what's within our reach and boldly anticipate incredible outcomes.

Our attitude isn't just a part of the journey; it's the driving force that propels us towards greatness.

Stay focused, stay positive, and let's expect nothing less than the extraordinary!"

One of the most tragic mistakes made in so many relationships is the belief that what we need from it is the same as wha...

One of the most tragic mistakes made in so many relationships is the belief that what we need from it is the same as what others need.

Every person receives, interprets and feels love in different ways. We all feel validated and respected differently as well. So to assume that what we want or need from a relationship is what the other person needs is a considerable risk.

There are no guarantees that how you receive love, respect, or validation is the same way other people accept it. The trouble is that many of us can't see beyond our needs to realize that it's necessary to also add to the relationship.

Most focus on what we need to "feel" love and acceptance. And subsequently, we spend most of our energy looking for what we need.

How about making a shift?

Zig Ziglar once said that if you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want.

When we focus on serving, supporting and adding significance to those around us, we will get the same thing in time.

Every relationship is different. And the energy we pour into one area of our life may be unlike another. Remember that you are the common denominator in ALL your relationships, and you can't approach every relationship the same.

I've always taught this: when you become your best, you cause others around you to become their best.

Our world will change as we work on our own hearts and attitude and pour into our relationships rather than just taking from them. If we constantly take and expect the significant people in our life to do things the way that serves us best, eventually, that relationship will become stagnant; it won't grow.

However, when we take the approach that if I work on myself and look for ways to express love and respect to those around me in a way that they can receive, my relationships will flourish.

Let me encourage you today to examine your relationships and how you approach them. Look at what you are contributing to them and adjust accordingly.

Not everyone receives love the same way. If we care about those people in our life, we will make it our mission to learn how best to express love to them in the way they get and in return, we will begin to see our relationships grow.

How will you discover what others need from you in your relationships?

What a great day for a wedding. I was so blessed to be hang out with Desmond Sanfilippo and Amara Pope and be a part of ...

What a great day for a wedding. I was so blessed to be hang out with Desmond Sanfilippo and Amara Pope and be a part of their big day. Congratulations you two I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Become the hero in your own story.A hero is defined as a person who is admired for having done something courageous or h...

Become the hero in your own story.

A hero is defined as a person who is admired for having done something courageous or having achieved something remarkable. If you were to think back over your entire life, were there moments when you had to overcome something challenging?

We've all faced giants that, at the moment, we thought we could not overcome. Or, we may have encountered a challenge and had no choice but to step up. In these moments, if we didn't take a stand, our life would be different today.

You may be thinking - I've never had an area that huge. Let's think back. Think back to when you began to walk. That's huge. You were on the floor, helpless, depending on everyone in your world to bring you everything you needed. Then you began to crawl, stand up, and step until you mastered that effortlessly; then, you started running.

Think back to learning how to ride your bike. That was huge. Then you went on to drive a car. Remember your first attempt? Sitting behind the wheel, braking and accelerating at the appropriate times while looking in your mirrors and looking around at all the others comes coming at you and approaching from all sides.

Then the math skills, the reading skills and so on. All huge steps. Then you learn a discipline to be employed or to start a business. Those are huge. You didn't know how to swing a hammer or type on a computer, but you mastered that. You learned so much about your field that you could tell or teach others how to do what you are now doing. All huge.

But let me ask you this. Where are you now? Are you still conquering giants, or are they defeating you? Are you still keen on mastering new skills or have you settled? Are you following your passions or doing whatever is necessary to get by, afraid to attempt anything new?

Fifteen years ago, I was in one of my life's worst periods. In an instant, the things I was pursuing fell apart overnight, and it took me two years to build it back up again. Why? There are two reasons.

The first reason is I put my head down and did what I needed to do to survive. I was building a business, and it was growing like crazy. Most of my energy went into landing clients, keeping clients happy, and employees and trades working. The rest of my energy was divided between ministry and family. On top of building the business, I was raising a family, and I served endless hours every week in church, staying up late at night studying and preparing lessons and events.

One night as I sat in my car, ready to go to yet another meeting, my body decided we had enough. Have you ever been in a place where you can't control what's happening? I was perfectly aware of what I was supposed to do, but my brain just shut down and refused to do what was needed.

For twenty minutes, I sat in the car with my mind and heart racing, trying desperately to make sense of the situation. But I could not. Finally, I could turn off the car, go inside my house and call those expecting me and tell them I couldn't make the meeting.

This was the beginning of a two-year battle to get my life back.

I want to share with you what I did to regain my life. How I had to choose to become the hero of my story again, the steps I took, and the steps you can take to become the hero in your story again.

This Thursday at The Love Journey Cafe, I will challenge you to look at your life differently. Mary and I will share the journey of the past fifteen years. You will learn what we did to contribute to this hero's journey and how you can do the same in your journey.

Are you ready to conquer the villains in your life? Are you prepared to get back to living the life you are called to live?

It doesn't matter what stage of life you are in. I started my first company almost 30 years ago with no money or job. I decided to re-invent myself and write my first book with grade 9 education at age 58. I trained and ran my first marathon at age 60. And on Thursday's call, I'll tell you what I'm doing today.

Will I see you there? That's Thursday, August 10, at 8 p.m. I look forward to seeing you and encouraging you along your journey.

See you Thursday.

You're the special guest Thursday night, so make sure you are there!It won't be the same without you.Thursday, May 11, a...

You're the special guest Thursday night, so make sure you are there!

It won't be the same without you.

Thursday, May 11, at 8 p.m., we will discuss self-worth and the value we have of ourselves.

Many of us are losing out in many ways because of our self-perception. So, let's talk about ways we can all improve our vision of ourselves.

We'd love to hear what's working for you and what could be better. Through this conversation, we will support and encourage each other.

Let's do this. May 11th at 8 p.m. Will I see you there?

Go to TheLoveJourneyCafe.Com to get the Zoom link or direct message me, and I'll send it to you.

The Love Journey Cafe will be on the 13th of April at 8 p.m. Mary and I look forward to connecting with you and, as alwa...

The Love Journey Cafe will be on the 13th of April at 8 p.m.

Mary and I look forward to connecting with you and, as always, discussing how relationships touch every part of our life.

What do you think is the number one concern people have in any relationship? I'd love to know what you believe it is.


Something that every couple needs to talk about often is their expectations.

Regardless of the area of life, partners often have different expectations around the value of many things.

The only way to decrease disappointment and increase positive outcomes is by talking. Only when you express the desired outcome you expect that your partner even has a chance of coming through.

Take a date night. Let's say one of you wants to go someplace fancy and extravagant, and the other feels like doing something super casual. Unless you talk about your expectations, one will be dressed up expecting a great night out, and the other will be in jeans, ready for pizza.

It's only when you look at each other and share your thoughts that you can come to an agreement. Then you can go out with the same expectation and enjoy your time. Otherwise, one of you is super annoyed.

With all the technology today, there still isn't any software that can read someone's mind and tell you exactly what they are thinking about.

We have to rely on the old fashion method - talking.

What was your most awkward experience when expectations were not communicated with a partner?


Schedule a time today and call or text your partner just to say I love you.

How would you like to be better equipped to show up for one another?Join us Thursday, you will be glad you did and so wi...

How would you like to be better equipped to show up for one another?

Join us Thursday, you will be glad you did and so will your partner!

Remember, relationships aren't a 50/50 deal. They require 100/100 from each partner.How are you adding more to your rela...

Remember, relationships aren't a 50/50 deal. They require 100/100 from each partner.

How are you adding more to your relationship?

Love is a remarkable thing that must be celebrated today, tomorrow and always.Celebrate with that special someone but re...

Love is a remarkable thing that must be celebrated today, tomorrow and always.

Celebrate with that special someone but remember that love doesn't take a holiday and doesn't need a day for extra celebration.

Celebrate love and each other every day.

Happy Valentine's Day!


How do you show the special person in your life that you love them?

Stop what you're doing right now!Send a voice note, a text or a message to your partner immediately telling them how spe...

Stop what you're doing right now!

Send a voice note, a text or a message to your partner immediately telling them how special they are to you.

If you're in the same room, put down your phone and give them a hug. This is me and my wife Mary when I called her up on stage at an event I was speaking at to give her a kiss.

Go ahead and do something now. Then, after you've done one of those things, post their reaction here.


Cambridge, ON

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
6pm - 7pm


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