Miny World is a concept developed especially for children. We cover all from design for kids to part
Offre de dernière minute pour la fête de Noël de vos petits! 🎄🎅
Venez découvrir notre proposition, surtout si vous êtes une garderie en milieu familial et que vous souhaitez offrir aux enfants une sortie en ville pour rencontrer le Père Noël! 🎁
✨ Last minute offer for your little ones’ 🎄Christmas Party!!! Come check it out, especially if you are a home kindergarten and you want to take the kids out in town to meet Santa Clause!
🎄✨ A Magical Christmas Day at MINY WORLD! ✨🎄
Today, we welcomed in our Art Boutique Café 7 little friends from the same kindergarten, along with their moms and their teacher, for a heartwarming holiday gathering. ❤️
🎅 Santa made a special appearance, spreading cheer and handing out gifts!
🎨 We crafted adorable Christmas ornaments, filling the room with creativity.
🍭 Everyone indulged in delicious s’mores and fluffy cotton candy—sweet treats for a sweet day!
The holiday spirit was truly alive, and it felt like pure magic. 🌟
🎄✨ Une Journée de Noël Magique chez MINY WORLD! ✨🎄
Aujourd’hui, nous avons accueilli dans notre Art Boutique Café 7 petits amis de la même garderie, accompagnés de leurs mamans et de leur enseignante, pour un rassemblement de Noël chaleureux. ❤️
🎅 Le Père Noël a fait une apparition spéciale, apportant joie et distribuant des cadeaux!
🎨 Nous avons créé de jolies décorations de Noël, remplissant la pièce de créativité.
🍭 Tout le monde s’est régalé avec de délicieux s’mores et de la barbe à papa toute douce—des douceurs pour une journée pleine de bonheur!
L’esprit des fêtes était bel et bien présent, et c’était tout simplement magique. 🌟
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What a wonderful surprise today! 🌸 My dear friend and collaborator at MINY WORLD Art Boutique Café, Valentina—practically part of our family—stopped by the shop, and she wasn’t alone! She brought her lovely daughter, Tania, and their adorable Tiny Winnie Soleil. Together (well, almost together!), they created two beautiful t-shirts right here at our crafting table. Valentina even cut the patterns directly on the spot, and then they painted them freely with whatever inspired them. 🍂✨The atmosphere was simply amazing, filled with creativity and joy! I can’t wait to see how the t-shirts turn out after they’re sewn.And here’s the fun twist—Valentina found two other t-shirts that she and I had made together years ago but totally forgot about. 😂 We’ve now placed them in the shop where they finally belong!Thank you so much, Valentina, for such a special day. 🌸 We’re now planning to invite her one weekend soon for a one-on-one experience where anyone can join in to design and paint their own beautiful, original, and unique t-shirt.What do you think—any takers? Let us know if you’d be interested!~~~~~~~~#creativejourney #DIYProjects #HandmadeWithLove #GetCreative #ArtLovers #MINYWORLD #ArtBoutiqueCafe #CraftAndCreate #UniqueExperiences #VaudreuilDorion#CustomTShirts #TShirtArt #CreativeWorkshop #PaintYourStyle #OneOfAKindArt#FamilyCrafts #CreativeMoments #CraftWithLove #BondThroughArt#SupportLocalArt #LocalCreativity #ArtInVaudreuil #CreativeCommunity
“I’m a swiftie” seems to become the most wanted theme of the year! Our #sleepover teepee setups with the Photo Booth rock!!! Reserved your booking date on our website! ~~~#taylorswift #taylorswiftbirthday #teepee #teepeeparty #montréal #kidsmontreal #minyworldkidsparties #vaudreuil #vaudreuildorion #vaudreuilsoulanges #westislandcommunity #saintlazare #minyworldkidsparties #minyworld
I’m a swiftie - slumber party
8 swifties sous nos tentes glamour, pour regarder ensemble le concert de qui pensez-vous ? Tay Tay🪩🪩🪩Découvrez tous nos thèmes de tentes et tipis sur notre site, choisissez celui qui convient le mieux au style de votre enfant et remplissez le formulaire de réservation ! Nous nous occupons du reste !~~~~~~~~~8 swifties under our glamorous tents, watching together the concert of who do you think? Tay Tay🪩🪩🪩Check out all our tents and tepees themes on our website, choose the one that suits your kid’s style and fill in the booking form! We’ll do the rest!~~~#taylorswift #taylorswiftbirthday #teepee #teepeeparty #montréal #kidsmontreal #minyworldkidsparties #vaudreuil #vaudreuildorion #vaudreuilsoulanges #westislandcommunity #saintlazare
Our themes I LOVE GLAMPING and SPA GLAMOUR SETS. Make long lasting memories under the MINY WORLD teepee setups! We come to your home, install everything and come back the second day to pick up! Check our website for all our themes. ✨⭐️🌟✨#minyworldkidsparties #teepeeparty #spaparty #picnictable #westislandmommies #bohostyle #bohoparty #bohopicnic #montrealkidsparty #vaudreuilsoulanges #vaudreuildorion #vaudreuil #westislandcommunity #kidsbirthday #sleepoverparty #montrealparty
CMagic Dream is one of the first four MINY WORLD’s sleepover tent setups. It has 5 years old and it looks perfectly new! Thank you from the bottom of my heart to our little clients 🧸😃that have so much care of our stuff. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#sleepoverparty #bohostyle #bohoparty #bohopicnic #montrealkidsparty #vaudreuilsoulanges #vaudreuildorion #vaudreuil #handmade #handmadetoys #indooractivitiesforkids #momsofcanada #minyworldkidsparties #westislandcommunity #minyworldkidsparties
🫖Tea party for Chacha! Book your party with MINY WORLD! Check our website for more themes !
MINY WORLD est le lieu où les enfants rencontrent la créativité. Nous avons mis en place les meilleurs ateliers pour les enfants. / MINY WORLD is the place where kids meet creativity. We’ve put in place the utmost workshops for kids. ⭐️Aucun talent artistique n’est nécessaire, seulement la curiosité et la volonté de créer avec ses propres mains. 📍Où? Dans un environnement parfait, entourés de nouveaux amis, nos participants auront l’occasion de socialiser, de s’amuser tout en concevant, en art et en artisanat.Nous avons une collaboration avec deux merveilleux endroits de Vaudreuil : au Decor Gateaux Mtl – Pâtisserie (le mercredi soir) ou La Ribouldingue – Boutique de jouets et jeux (le jeudi soir). Ils seront régalés avec des friandises savoureuses et fraîchement sorties du four, s’ils sont gourmets, ou ils pourront apprendre à économiser des certificats cadeaux d’une valeur de 5 cad offerts à chaque cours et se récompenser à la fin de la séance avec un joli cadeau choisi dans le magasin de jouets. Alors, choisissez bien ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Artistic talent is no needed, only curiosity and the willingness to create with own’s hands.📍Where? Within the perfect environment, surrounded by new friends, our participants will have the opportunity to socialize, have fun while designing, art and crafting.We have a collaboration with two wonderful locations in Vaudreuil: at Decor Gateaux Mtl – Cake shop (on Wednesday evenings) or La Ribouldingue – Toys and games shop (on Thursday evenings). They will be treated with tasty and freshly baked sweets, if they are gourmets, or they can learn to save vouchers in value of 5 cad offered during each class and reward themselves at the end of the session with a nice gift chose from the toys store. So, choose carefully!
l💗Glamping + Boho picnic table. Alexia spent her special day with her best friends!Seeing her so excited with our setup made us sohappy! She had a blast, we found out from her momGaGEAlexia a passé sa journée spéciale avec ses meilleures amies !La voir si excitée par notre configuration nous a rendu si heureux ! Elle s'est bien amusée, nous l'avons appris par sa maman🥰
🧖♀️I think everyone knows by now that Spa Glamour Complete is the most rented theme of the year!~Happy Birthday, Lily !Spa day for you and vour friends 🌿Relax, have fun, and never forget these moments! 🌿🌱🧖♀️Je pense que tout le monde sait maintenant que Spa Glamour Complete est le thème le plus loué de l'année ! Joyeux anniversaire, Lily !Journée spa pour vous et vos amis …Détendez-vous, amusez-vous et n'oubliez jamais ces moments !
⚓️⚓️⚓️🛥️🛥️🛥️We invite you to our MINY WORLD creativity classes ! This week, on Saturday we will be at the Library in Vaudreuil-Dorion! I Hope you have reserved a spot for your kid🥰 check out for free spots at the library’s counter. ⚓️See you in class 🤣 we will have fun building and painting the wooden boats. 🛥️ Follow us to stay informed with our activities for kids. 🛥️⚓️🛥️⚓️ ⚓️⚓️⚓️Nous vous invitons à nos cours de créativité MINY WORLD ! Cette semaine, samedi nous serons à la Bibliothèque de Vaudreuil-Dorion ! J'espère que vous avez réservé une place pour votre enfant renseignez-vous sur les places gratuites au comptoir de la bibliothèque. ⚓️Rendez-vous en classe 🤣 nous nous amuserons à construire et peindre les bateaux en bois. 🛥️ Suivez-nous pour rester informé de nos activités pour les enfants.
Soirée spa en pleine nature. 🌱🌿🍁🌿Réservez votre soirée avec MINY WORLD 🥰Spa party in the middle of nature. 🌱🌿🍁🌿Book your party with MINY WORLD 🥰🥰🥰
I think about creativity like a complex sense. It could be cultivated, enriched in order to achieve harmony, balance, intelligence, joy... Creativity makes us aware of who we are and the things that surround us, provides us with freedom and attitude in life.
In raising and educating children, the space that surrounds them is of a great importance. The comfort of the environment and the harmony is a result of well planned design of their space: the decorations for their rooms, the colour of the walls, the bed where they sleep, the desk where they do their homework, the furniture and all the accessories, the playhouse from the garden and so on...
Interior design for children's bedroom is fun. As Ursula K. Le Guin said - “The creative adult is the child who survived” - the same thing about the designer; the passion for design and the dedication for children are important, but also is that, inside of him, he has to keep the heart of a child: act like one, play with the colors and shapes, be happy and laugh often whenever he draws. I consider myself lucky because I had help. Irene, my daughter, inspired me all the way since I began my journey along with the kids. More than five years as an art and creativity teacher, also reminded me of how it's like to be a child. And then, five years in a Faculty of Design followed by more than 17 years of experience in the field, gave me the certainty that I am on the right track.
Every child is unique, with his/her own personality. Respecting them, feeling their interior resort and put all the effort to conceive the world where they find themselves, is the key to a happy, comfortable childhood, a safe place to grow and create a life that makes them happy.
If you want to offer your children a place like this if you are searching for things to define their personality “Miny World” could be your children's world. Together we'll create the comfort of a space where they can play safely, develop their creativity, explore life and grow happily.
Miny World team is offering you the following services: interior design for the children's bedrooms and playrooms, furniture, accessories, creative toys, creativity classes, decorations and exterior design for their playspace as well as hiring party items sets for teepee parties, slumber parties, sleepover parties and other celebrating events dedicated to children.
“Miny World” is, above all, a concept developed especially for children. It comes with an interesting interactive project; IRENE's CORNER is the place where children meet creativity. They can make friends, they learn how to work together as a team, and they will have the chance to involve their loving parents, grandparents, siblings or friends in DIY projects.