Mermaiding for me, was joy. I'd put on a tail, and if I went for a swim I felt amazing. If I did a party or an event I felt joy by spreading joy. It brought me happiness to bring that to others.
Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. If I agree to an event, I now worry about the lies being told about me within the local mermaid community. If I volunteer at events I've attended in the past, I'm accused of stealing gigs. If I take my child for ice cream, down the road from my home, I am encroaching on another businesses territory and am desperate.
Mermaiding for me, is no longer as good for my mental wellbeing as it once was. That joy has been stolen from me.
I would like to thank my supporters, clients and fans that I have made over the years, I truly appreciate you. Mermaid Jeri will be stepping away from public mermaiding for the foreseeable future. I don't know if it's forever, but for right now, my mental health can not handle any more of the harassing behavior by the Halifax mermaid community.
Farewell fishes,
Jeri 🖤