Fellow headbangers, moshers, pit nights, creeps and peeps. I am sure you have noticed Brunktastic Productions has been quite this past while. Within this small hiatus I decided I'm not going to continue to promote shows independently for my own reason; I'm open to tell you if your curious.
However I'm not quitting, since I took a liking in making poster art I decided to drive my focus more in the artistic sense of things and have been learning digital programs as well as getting into drawing as a mission to create poster art , cover art, ect for the music community as well as my own interests in stand alone art projects without the use of AI. I hope to connect with many of you in the near future with this focus in this direction.
I still am avaliable to connect you to contacts of bands for a bill, other promoters, venue managers, help promote your show with selling tickets, posting and engaging interests if you'd like and as always support the bands whenever I can!