An invitation! To receive an invitation it’s something important, but once it’s filled with various details it creates a level of excitement. This box is to remember how special and unique Barbie is! But it’s mainly to revive those unforgettable memories that were created by her!
Barbie has arrived!!Barbie is the theme, pink is the dress code,fancy is the category, enjoyment is the motto, friends are the ones invited! Barbie arrived with a special invitation to enjoy the movie. Have you already invited your friends? Because I already did! #AndExpressYourFeeling#Ritasflowersshop#barbiemovie#barbiefriends#barbieforever
85 BIEN VIVIDOS MAMÁ, hoy cumples 85 años todo un mundo recorrido llenos de muchas alegrías, fiestas y bailes. Con tu coquetería única e inigualable nos llenaste de muchas enseñanzas, anécdotas, risas y travesuras.Tú, eres la dueña de mi corazón y del negocio y eres la personas que más admiro y que me a inspirado. Por eso y mucho más se que hoy más que un día especial es simplemente un día Espectacular. FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS.PD: TE AMO al infinito y más allá. #AndExpressYourFeeling#Ritasflowersshop#smallbusinessymm#85cumpleaños#happy85birthday
Graduating is the first step to achieving your dreamsGo for themThank you for … and express your feeling again #AndExpressYourFeeling#Ritasflowersshop#smallbusinessymm#grad2023#gradymm
Bestseller #2 Go wherever you go, always carry a good memory with youFor this reason, the tumblers were our Bestseller product at graduations.We can customize the tumblers for any occasion.How do you want yours ???#AndExpressYourFeeling#Ritasflowersshop#smallbusinessymm#grad2023#gradymm
Dancer + FlowersWhen you gift flowers to the dancers, you’re telling her“I’m proud of you”Thank you @ht_danceacademy for once again letting me support them and help them… and express your felling #AndExpressYourFeeling#Ritasflowersshop#smallbusinessymm#danceshow#danceshowymm
Dance show alert!!! This Thursday, as on other occasions, we will be at Holy Trinity offering our products to help your... express your feelingsTo your dancers.#AndExpressYourFeeling#Ritasflowersshop#smallbusinessymm#danceshow#danceshowymm
Emotion and happinessAre Expressions that are only lived when you receive a detail that identifies you.Do you want to give emotion and happiness to those around you????
Wherever you go, always carry a good memory with you
Graduation session is coming,I'm here to help you... express your feelingOur booking is now open, book in ahead to secure your spot! #AndExpressYourFeeling#Ritasflowersshop#smallbusinessymm#grad2023#gradymm
Un rincón especial Un espacio especial en mi oficina gracias hija por ser mi cómplice y complacerme siempre, un regalo perfecto para mi ❤️❤️. Feliz estoy. Amando la velocidad y Siendo fans de Toretto, lo Amo. &. Fast & Furious. Única e irrepetible. Rápida y veloz. Iré a la película. Ondeando la bandera Usando mi Charger RT. Seguro ahí estaré Tú ya hiciste tu sueño realidad ??? Porque yo si 😍😍#AndExpressYourFeeling#Ritasflowersshop#smallbusinessymm#personaliztumbler#fast&furious
Fancy Limonade What better way to enjoy the summer with a refreshing lemonade and a super fancy tumbler. If you enjoyed it make sure to give it a like and search 🖤🖤