Well, everyone’s been waiting for me to post the results for the Grand Final for Tour 2.
So without any further ado, we would like to congratulate Rob Thompson for coming out and winning the 5th Street Poker championships for Tour 2.
Also, I’d like to include the ♦️ Poker champions for each bar is as follows :
MVP Trophy - Lori Brown (most points)
Jerry Doucette award - Jason W.
Bar Champs :
Doug Connolly – McCracken station
Clayton Hoggard – the Office Pub & Grill
Kyal Watters – Pogues in Brock 
Co Winners Rob Hilliard & Doug Connolly -Westsyder Pub.
OK, I just wanna let everyone know that two or three will be starting up in the new year and I just want to congratulate all the players that have come out for this last tour.
I look forward to seeing everyone out again in the new year
Thanks, 5th Street Poker