Happy Saturday!
We have 2 winners! Thank you for participating and Merry Christmas!#lindsayflorist #classicflowersandgifts #kawarthalakesflorist #lindsayflowershop
Beautiful fresh plants in stock.. Come by and see us we can help you find the perfect one for the holidays!#lindsayflorist #lindsayflowerdelivery #classicflowersandgifts #kawarthalakes #lindsaydowntown #lindsayflowershop #kawarthalakesflorist #lindsayhouseplant #lindsayplantstore
New in store our Wintergreen berries plant. What a lovely addition to your Christmas holiday. You can enjoy it in many ways including having a taste of the berries and making teaberries from the leaves as a tea. What a lovely and fun little gift!#lindsayflorist #lindsaydowntown #classicflowersandgifts #kawarthalakesflorist #plantstorelindsay
Contest ends tomorrow December 12,2024 at 6 pm hurry!
#lindsayflorist #lindsaydowntown #classicflowersandgifts #kawarthalakes #kawarthalakesflorist #lindsayontario #weddingflowers #kawarthalakesshopping #lindsayontario
Early Bird shopping ends Wednesday at 6pm! Don't miss your chance! 💲🎄
#earlybirddiscount #christmasshopping #plantshop #giftbaskets #kawarthalakes #lindsayflorist
Fabulous little contest just in time for Christmas! Follow us, share and like and subscribe on our YouTube to enter for a chance to win!#
#lindsayflowershop #kawarthalakes
#lindsayflowershop #weddingflowers #kawarthalakesflorist #christmasornaments
Christmas plants and more surprises to come.weekly. Shop online and save $5 off on your early bird shopping but hurry offer ends December 12 !
Ready to go in the fridge! Order early for Christmas and save!#lindsayflorist #classicflowersandgifts #kawarthalakesflorist #lindsayflowershop #kawarthalakesshopping #giftbasketdelivery #plantdelivery #kawarthalakes #christmasgiftidea
Take a train ride through our Christmas display! 🎄
#trainride #christmastrain #christmasdisplay #lindsayflorist
These make unforgettable funny gifts, stocking stuffers, or practical jokes!
Order yours today online at classicflowersandgifts.com or come by to pick your favorite! 🌟
#stuffedanimals #stuffies #cannedstuffedanimal #practicaljoke #stockingstufferideas #kawarthalakes #lindsaydowntown #classicflowersandgifts #lindsayflorist