Boxwood has established a worldwide presence celebrating and sharing musical traditions. The Boxwood Festival & Workshop is a non-profit organization that aims to provide opportunities for the dissemination, sharing, presentation and celebration of traditional music. Since 1995 Boxwood has fulfilled this mission through festivals, workshops, classes, concerts, and a variety of media including soun
d, video and the web. Boxwood invites a multicultural and intergenerational dialogue between performers, teachers, scholars, students, instrument makers and members of local communities with annual gatherings taking place in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Waipu, New Zealand, Queenscliff, Australia and Williamsburg, VA. Our programs emphasize the deep connections between music, dance & language and ultimately seek to strengthen and bridge communities while to helping adults and children develop their artistic potential. Boxwood has presented workshops in Canada, The United States, Europe and Asia. This work has been recognized and supported by governments, organizations and individuals worldwide including: Culture Ireland, Canadian Heritage, Canada Council for the Arts, The Canadian Chancellery of Honours, The Senate of Canada, The Nova Scotia Parliament House of Assembly, CBC Radio Canada, Town of Barga (Italy), Creative New Zealand, Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust (NZ), College of William and Mary (USA), University of Wisconsin (USA), Taichung University (TW), The Highland Trust (UK) and many more. Boxwood Festival, Ltd is a 501(c)3 non profit organization in the United States.