last July, we welcomed our sweet Hudson into our world in a big, scary way…
the day before he was born, he gave us a big scare- but it was a scare that saved his life. that sounds so dramatic, but it’s so true. he signalled to me that something was wrong when he stopped moving on the morning of the 12th. I had a high risk pregnancy, so I went in for frequent scans to make sure baby was doing well; I happened to have one scheduled for that morning. the ultrasound tech didn’t worry me so much when she suggested that he must just be sleeping, but when there was still no movement a couple hours later (despite all of the orange juice and dancing around)… we knew something was up. turns out, I had been leaking amniotic fluid for a while and he was running critically low. he started kicking and rolling around once we got hooked up to the monitors- but dude had NO space to move and was panicking. his heart rate was all over the place and wouldn’t settle. if we had waited a couple more hours, felt some movement, ignored my gut and never went in to get checked out… he could have been gone. it was a good reminder to trust my instincts and that everything happens for a reason!
we got extra time with our baby, since he came so early- and for that, I couldn’t be more grateful. a few extra weeks with the teeny fingers and toes that have now grown SO big.
we love you, stinky 🫶🏻