Now THIS is how you say happy Valentine’s Day!!!!did you know that we also deliver for FREE!!! That’s right, you heard it, FREE!!! Get your orders in today!!
Who is decorating this weekend for Christmas.?
We have fresh greens and fresh wreathes made personally by us here in store available for purchase. Our hands are just getting sticky with sap and we love it!!!!
Guess what time it is!!! We will be ready for our own house next weekend. And we can’t wait for you to see the spirit and f Christmas inside our store!!
What is your thanksgiving tradition!!! Ours is the magical wishbone. Ever since I was a little girl I waited so patiently for that bone to dry! It reminds me of my grandma Jean and the smell of freshly baked bread on Thanksgiving. And grandpa Vern, well when I think of him all I can hear is laughter and the smell of cream of wheat. If you have gradnparents hold them close this thanksgiving, I miss mine dearly!