New Years Resolution through positive tarot translation.
No matter how scary some tarot cards may seem to some, there is always a positive message within each and every card. Don’t be afraid to see the light within the dark scary pictures of the card and bring out the positive perspectives.
When I started reading the tarot, scariest cards were devil, death, and tower. But devil card can bring out consciousness and alertness that you were previously not aware of and it is very positive. Devil card also indicate positivity in finances, as well. Bottom like, you can always find positive.
What I am trying to say is you can’t interpret all cards to be positive or negative, just like your own lives. If you are feeling negative, that’s all you will see. However if you can find positive outcome within negative situation, you can always turn the page into positive.
Happy New Year everyone and hope all experiences are going to become good lesson and positive!
All the best, Ayah