I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!
(Hopefully, you noticed that I was gone 🤣)
So yeah... I disappeared for a while, and while it was not my intention to do so, it was absolutely crucial for my sanity and to keep my personal life intact while we navigated a series of significant life events, challenges and near misses with natural disasters.
I'll post more later to catch you up on the past couple of months but right now I wanted to formally step back into the ring to let you know that I'm here to field your inquiries, cater your parties and charcuterie my little heart out!
I'm currently booking orders for this weekend (last minute, I know!) but for this to work I'll need to know asap who wants what.
If you've been thinking about doing something fun with the family this weekend, I can put together an adorable and tasty picnic spread that you can simply unwrap and pop on the table!
If you're interested in having a custom charcuterie or picnic spread built for you for Friday, Saturday or Sunday (some delivery slots still open for all 3 days at the moment) please fill in the below inquiry form and I'll confirm price and availability for you as soon as I can.
Thank you all so much for having me back, and for your love and support while I was gone. I hope you know how much I missed feeding all of you.