Hello I’m Cara the face behind Flora Jean. I am florist, grower, marketing, sales strategist, w**d control, irrigation master, pest management, harvester, bookkeeper, designer, delivery person… and the list goes on 🫠🫠 I started this business in 2021 and embarked on the journey of learning and developing sooo many new skills while navigating the intersection of capitalism and nature, always striving to achieve that golden unicorn, sustainability.
I have always been the most comfortable outside, and am no stranger to physical work. I planted trees out west for a decade and spent winters surveying for Mountain Pine Beetle in AB but before that and during my youth I was lucky to have had so much of my life outside, so much so that I am immune to mosquito bites, not to brag! 😂🌀Don’t worry the black flies still get me. I studied science and biology in university, but felt the classroom never drew me in and I always chose outdoor seasonal physical jobs over anything related to my formal education. I have always led a creative life dabbling in many mediums, drawn to colour and texture and beauty in the natural world.
When my partner and I decided to stay in Cape Breton full time I knew I wanted to grow and my garden started as mostly vegetables but the more flowers I grew the more I wanted to grow. And so I started my business, Flora Jean! There are so many beautiful flowers that can be grown locally on the island. Most of the flowers that florists use here are flown in from other countries and I see so much potential for Cape Breton to have a seasonal local flower market. I know every florist I’ve talked to agrees that there is no comparison the local flowers are fresh and vibrant and the best quality.
Thanks for being here as I continue this flower growing journey. Do you grow flowers? Comment your favourite flowers to grow 💖😘✨