Planting raspberries!!
First I dug my trench, strung the lines, laid out the plants and in the ground they go!
I'd much rather speed plant then real time 🤣 now to wait for fruit!
Did you know...raspberry foliage is great in mixed bouquets!? This will be a multipurpose crop! Are you planting raspberries this year?
#freshfruit #raspberries #foliage #boquetfiller #bareroot #barerootplants #watchthemgrow #prettyclouds #gardening #planting #springplanting #rainclouds #farmyql #farmfresh #farmher #2021garden #gardening
Eek!!! I am beyond SOOO EXCITED for my new gardening tool! Check out my stories for more info and a slower video.
Last year I had such a sore back from leaning over planting all my seedlings in the ground. Through searching for some alternative ways to plant my seedlings easier, I came across this!
Let me know what you think! Have you ever seen something like this?!
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