5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Review
“Planning a wedding can be extremely stressful and exhausting, which is why my husband and I opted for an elopement style wedding. While we plan a larger scale later on down the line. I first met Devon almost 2 years ago when he performed my cousins small Hotel Room wedding, in which he went above and beyond. So when it came time for me to find my own officiant, there wasn’t anyone else I wanted. Devon from the beginning was nice, funny, courteous and helpful. On the day of he welcomed everyone for us as we opted to use the My Wedding Officiant Chapel location. We really didn’t go into this with much wants or needs just a simple ceremony, but Devon gave us more. He had a wonderful speech, that was heartwarming and witty. All in all, if you are looking for a officiant service I cannot stress enough how good this company is, and their officiants. While I can only speak on my own experience, I have also been at wedding performed by other officiants and they’ve been great too”
Congratulations Channing & Odaine!