DR Photos

DR Photos Passionate about bird photography? Expert tips, tricks, and techniques. Explore how to take better bird images and learn the art of capturing beautiful photos.

Discover the joy of birdwatching and the thrill of photographing birds and wildlife up close! Welcome to my bird photography page! I'm a dedicated wildlife photographer with a passion for capturing the beauty and diversity of birds in Ontario, Canada, and beyond. With over 15 years of experience in bird photography, I've honed my skills in showcasing the intricate details and unique behaviors of t

hese magnificent creatures in their natural habitats. My journey into bird photography began with a simple fascination for the avian world, and it has since evolved into a full-fledged commitment to capturing and sharing the stunning moments I encounter. My work is not just about taking pictures; it's about telling the stories of the birds I photograph, highlighting their elegance, and raising awareness about their conservation. On this page, you can expect to find:

High-Quality Bird Photography: Stunning images of various bird species, from the majestic blue herons to the elegant egrets and many more. Photography Tips: Insights and tips on bird photography techniques, equipment recommendations, and how to make the most of natural light and backgrounds. Behind-the-Scenes Content: A look into my photography process, including the challenges and joys of capturing birds in different weather conditions. Educational Posts: Interesting facts about the bird species I photograph, their behaviors, and their habitats. Community Engagement: Opportunities for followers to share their bird photos, participate in Q&A sessions, and join virtual workshops. I also run a popular Instagram page , a YouTube channel , and I'm active on Twitter and here on Facebook, where I engage with a vibrant community of bird and wildlife enthusiasts. Through my platforms, I aim to inspire and educate others about the beauty of bird photography and the importance of preserving our natural world. Thank you for visiting my page. I invite you to follow along, engage with the content, and share your own bird photography experiences. Let's celebrate the avian wonders together!

Do you still read the descriptions? 🤔It’s Throwback Thursday, and I’m curious—how many of you actually dive into the det...

Do you still read the descriptions? 🤔
It’s Throwback Thursday, and I’m curious—how many of you actually dive into the details behind these photos?
Do you?
If you do, why?
Is it the camera settings that catch your eye? Maybe the tips and tricks on how to frame that perfect shot? Or perhaps the story behind capturing that specific bird photo, like this series of a catbird?
For those who love the details, here’s more about these shots. Capturing the catbird required patience and just the right light. I used a SONY A1 with a SONY FE 100-400mm G Master lens at 376mm, keeping the background blown out to focus on the bird. My settings were ISO 640, f/5.6, at 1/800.
One tip I follow is to stop and observe the bird’s behavior before snapping any photos. Predicting their movements helps in capturing the right moment. Another is to make sure you’re set to shoot in burst mode—especially with active birds like this catbird.
But there’s more than just the technical side. This catbird was a challenge, constantly moving and staying hidden, as seen in one photo where it’s tucked into a bush. I spent a good hour watching this bird, snapping only a few photos until I got these three images. That’s what I love about bird photography—the anticipation, the connection with nature, and the satisfaction of capturing that moment in time.
I’ve learned that bird photography isn’t just about getting an image. It’s about immersing myself in the environment, understanding that specific bird, and respecting their space. Every bird has its quirks, and it’s those little details that make each shot unique.
So, what keeps you coming back to my page?
Is it the experiences I share, the technical details, or the inspiration to get out there with your own camera?
Your feedback helps me as a photographer to create and post content others may enjoy.
Drop your thoughts in the comments, and thanks for your support. It fuels my passion for sharing the beauty of nature through photography.

Great news – they've returned! 😁 A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon a spot in north Durham where an Indigo Bunting n...

Great news – they've returned! 😁

A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon a spot in north Durham where an Indigo Bunting nest was nestled. I revisited frequently over a two-week span, only to find the nesting area destroyed one day by a tree chipper. I've continued to return, and this year, they're back! Looking forward to capture more photos and videos.

Check out the full story, along with the original photos and video, in this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/UyJbDY9WeXY

When Rare Isn’t Rare!•I've been visiting the same spot for weeks, and almost every time, I either see or hear a bird I'v...

When Rare Isn’t Rare!

I've been visiting the same spot for weeks, and almost every time, I either see or hear a bird I've never seen before or rarely encounter. This bird was no exception. I heard it singing behind me for a good 10-15 minutes before it flew out to the branch I was focused on. It was an American Redstart, a bird I'd never seen before. I thought, "Wow, another rare bird in the same location as the Indigo Bunting and Eastern Towhee!" Lucky for me, it was in the mood to be photographed and kept flying back and forth between the branches in front of me and a tree right behind me. What a good day!

When I got home, I looked up this "rare" bird and found out that the American Redstart isn't rare at all. It's a fairly common bird, and I may have seen it before without remembering. Well, rare or not, it was my first time photographing it, and that's what it's all about!

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS Lens
ISO 500

Is this an Eastern Towhee?•As a bird photographer and not a birder, I find myself in a never-ending state of confusion. ...

Is this an Eastern Towhee?

As a bird photographer and not a birder, I find myself in a never-ending state of confusion. I'm getting better at identifying birds but not as fast as I'm seeing them.

On this day, I heard a literal choir of birds. Sounds I've heard before and sounds I don't think I've ever heard. They were everywhere yet nowhere at the same time. The joys of bird photography.

I patiently waited in an opening where I was hopeful most of these birds would swing by. Lucky for me, several birds I've never seen before dropped in for a little photo shoot. This one, which I think is an Eastern Towhee, stopped in and let me snap away. This is a perfect example of why it's important to move around. When I'm shooting, I try to remember a couple of key things. The light is always critical, but the foreground and background are equally important. This series of photos, I think, shows that. As this little bird was singing away, I had the chance to walk around a little, just enough to change the background and, I think, change the look of the photo.

So, is this an Eastern Towhee?

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 1000

Never take your eye off the prize!•What seemed like a typical photo of a Cardinal turned into a near miss.•Out on the we...

Never take your eye off the prize!

What seemed like a typical photo of a Cardinal turned into a near miss.

Out on the weekend snapping away, I spotted this Cardinal sitting on a bush tucked under a tree. The early morning sun was peeking in from behind. I grabbed a few almost common shots when suddenly it leapt off the branch and flew right at me. I snapped a few photos and had to duck as it soared over my head. Took me by surprise, that's for sure!

A nice surprise on a very busy day. 📸🐦

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 1250

Why good light matters so much!•Finally got a chance to snap some bird photos. One thing I'm always after: great light a...

Why good light matters so much!

Finally got a chance to snap some bird photos. One thing I'm always after: great light and backgrounds, often overlooked in bird photography. Two bird photography tips I live by.

All these shots were taken in the same area, same day, within 3 hours. Spring weather can be wild, changing by the minute. It went from overcast with storm threats to clear blue skies, drastically altering the light and backgrounds. The trick is to be ready for it both with your camera settings and composition. The result? Photos that look like they were taken on different days. Mother Nature's magic!

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm GM

Through it back!•I still find myself looking back at these photos of a Green Heron. It was one of those moments while I ...

Through it back!

I still find myself looking back at these photos of a Green Heron. It was one of those moments while I was out kayaking. Paddled around the corner and found this guy hanging about fishing. It wasn't happy I was there but also not disturbed enough that it left right away. Looking back, it seems I was there for hours snapping photos of this bird.

Fun Fact: Green Herons are one of the few bird species known to use bait to attract fish. They may drop small objects onto the water's surface to lure fish within striking range!

📷 Camera Specs
SONY 200-600
ISO 640

Do new cameras take better photos?You just might be surprised what 20 years gets you!

Do new cameras take better photos?

You just might be surprised what 20 years gets you!

Who has the better bird and wildlife photography camera Canon or SONY? In this video I compare Canon and Sony cameras, exploring full frame and crop sensors ...

The morning calm!•Some days when you head out to take photos of birds or anything really, you find yourself in a world t...

The morning calm!

Some days when you head out to take photos of birds or anything really, you find yourself in a world that's peaceful. This photo captures one of those moments. The water was still, the sky overcast, and there was something beautiful in the lack of color on this spring morning.

Sometimes you just have to embrace the moment 📸🐦

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm GM
ISO 1250

Great Backyard Bird Count!When I heard this weekend was the Great Backyard Bird Count, I just had to get out. Then I loo...

Great Backyard Bird Count!
When I heard this weekend was the Great Backyard Bird Count, I just had to get out. Then I looked at the weather and didn't! It was -10°C (14°F) outside with a bitter cold wind. To top it off, it was overcast and dull as could be. But hey, if you're Canadian, you're used to this weather and you're used to heading out just to get out. It also gave me an excuse to So I packed up my gear and searched for a place to grab some photos for the Great Backyard Bird Count.

I found this bunch of branches and some sort of shrub that had a few birds buzzing around. The ever-present chickadee was there, the nuthatch always seems close by, and of course, a field sparrow. Now, not the Snowy Owl or Barred Owl I was hoping for, but hey, in the dead of winter with a freezing cold wind, you get what you get.

• 📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 200-600mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 1250
1/1000 f/7.1

Golden hour flight!•A throwback photo of a female and male red-winged blackbird fighting it out for the prime spot to pe...

Golden hour flight!

A throwback photo of a female and male red-winged blackbird fighting it out for the prime spot to perch!

I remember this evening well. I was just about to head back home when I thought I'd take one more look down a pathway that led to an opening overlooking a bay. There on this branch was a female fighting off about 10 birds, all seemingly fighting over this one spot. Not sure what the big deal was, but they certainly thought it was important. Well, it was perfect for me. Snapped a bunch of photos and grabbed a number of this angry female red-winged blackbird.

📷 Camera Specs
Canon 1DX
Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L IS USM Lens
ISO 800

Sunday evening through back!•A barn owl checking things out doing what owls do.  This photo was taken a few years ago.  ...

Sunday evening through back!

A barn owl checking things out doing what owls do. This photo was taken a few years ago. Just before the world went nuts!

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 400mm f/2.8 GM OSS Lens
ISO 320

Even on the worst winters day mother nature is worth exploring!https://bit.ly/2FjfY4o

Even on the worst winters day mother nature is worth exploring!


Discover the incredible capabilities of the Sony FE 16-35mm f/2.8 GM Lens when paired with the Sony Alpha a7R II Mirrorless Digital Camera. In this video, we...

Have you ever shot 8K?Shooting 8K isn't what you think, it's way harder!  Check this video out shot in and released in 8...

Have you ever shot 8K?

Shooting 8K isn't what you think, it's way harder! Check this video out shot in and released in 8K

8K Video: https://bit.ly/41aEFYL

When shooting 8K video or even 4K video on a SONY camera having the best memory card is critical. I never really thought too much about what was the right me...

Hold it!•Caught this nuthatch checking things out long enough for me to grab a couple of pics. The tail end of fall, whe...

Hold it!

Caught this nuthatch checking things out long enough for me to grab a couple of pics. The tail end of fall, when most of the leaves have fallen, always seems dull and depressing. Then you grab a shot like this and remember that there are still vibrant colors left. You just have to stop and look to see them.

📷 Camera Specs
SONY 70-200
ISO 1250

Have you ever used this accessory for your bird photography or thinking of using it?

Have you ever used this accessory for your bird photography or thinking of using it?

As bird and wildlife photographers we can collect many different camera accessories and gear with the hope to improve our photos. Many photography accessorie...

Where did summer go?•Is it just me, or did this summer go by faster than most?•I'm just now catching up on some photos I...

Where did summer go?

Is it just me, or did this summer go by faster than most?

I'm just now catching up on some photos I took months ago. Luckily, I remember this morning well. It was around 6:30 a.m., and the sun had just started to illuminate the wooded area I was walking in. The trees in the background began to brighten, creating an almost fluorescent green backdrop. One branch that was hanging off a tree started to glow. Then, as if I had called for it, a red-breasted nuthatch flew in and took a seat. As is often the case when photographing birds, every second counts. I had only about 10 seconds to capture this and a few other photos. Then it was gone, never to be seen again.

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 1000


SONY vs CANON • Can you tell the difference? A or B • One photo is taken with a Canon Digital Rebel 6.3 megapixels.•The ...


Can you tell the difference? A or B

One photo is taken with a Canon Digital Rebel 6.3 megapixels.

The other photo taken with a SONY A1 50.1 megapixels.

20 years in technology advancements

Which photo is taken with which camera?

Is photo A the SONY or is it the CANON?

Do you know what type of bird this is?•Early in the morning, just as the sun began to rise. I could hear a soft chirp co...

Do you know what type of bird this is?

Early in the morning, just as the sun began to rise. I could hear a soft chirp coming from the bushes as I ventured through the woodland. I could hear it, see the bushes rustling, but the bird remained elusive. I stopped, waited patiently, and waited some more, but nothing. The forest was still dimly lit, and I doubted I'd get a photo. Then, as if on cue, it hopped onto a branch just as the wind danced with the leaves, and suddenly, the sun illuminated this little bird.

One of those moments in the life of a bird photographer, or any photographer for that matter, where persistence, intuition, and a touch of luck all converged to capture these beautiful shots. 📷🌿

📷 Camera Specs
SONY 100-400mm
ISO 11250

I figured it out! How to find birds easily?The trick is so simple I couldn't believe it.  All you have to do is post a r...

I figured it out! How to find birds easily?
The trick is so simple I couldn't believe it. All you have to do is post a reel of the bird you want to photograph the day before you go out. Then the next day when you go out the bird will magically appear like this hummingbird did 🤣🤣🤣. I can't believe it was that easy to find and photograph birds 📸🐦

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 1000

🌞Early morning flight❗️•If there is one bird photography tip that stands the test of time it’s get out early.  The chall...

🌞Early morning flight❗️

If there is one bird photography tip that stands the test of time it’s get out early. The challenge is always getting up early 🤣🤣 These three egret photos were all captured early in the morning while I was out kayaking at around 7:00 am 🌅. OK not that early for bird photography but when you consider you have to wake up get the kayak on top of the car and get out on the water and then find these birds 7:00 am isn’t that bad. But once you find them the shots can be pretty amazing. I find photographing egrets more challenging then it would seem. They are a bright bright white bird and that plays tricks with your camera especially if you’re in some sort of automatic mode. Like shutter or aperture priority. I typically shot in manual mode because of situations like this. I can quickly adjust a setting to better expose the bird as it’s in flight. With egrets as they move in and out of the shadows shutter priority or aperture priority would typically get confused and often over expose the shot.

I’m curious how many of you shoot in manual mode❓❓

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 800


Bird photography is a waiting game and capturing birds in flight is more about luck than anything else. Bird photography...

Bird photography is a waiting game and capturing birds in flight is more about luck than anything else. Bird photography tip of the day! When you think you've waited long enough wait a little longer. 🤣

I spotted this green heron tucked away in the marsh one day while out kayaking. I kept circling back to take more bird photos because one can't have enough. Then I realized it was playing a game with me. As I pulled closer it would pose for me as birds do and then it would jump or fly off. It always landed just far enough away I had to paddle over to capture more stunning bird photos.

📷 Camera Specs
SONY 200-600
ISO 640

Taking photos of birds has become an addiction or is it a calling and I'm really a bird watcher?When it comes to bird ph...

Taking photos of birds has become an addiction or is it a calling and I'm really a bird watcher?
When it comes to bird photography I can't seem to get enough. Over the years I've gained a new appreciation for pictures of birds flying and the real challenge it is to capture a beautiful photo. Take humming birds for example. They have to be one of the most difficult to find and capture. So this series of the Northern Cardinal is for all those bird lovers who just appreciate the beauty of these birds.
📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 1600

Standing alone!This egret was trying to hide in the trees in the shade in the early morning.  It just didn't work so wel...

Standing alone!
This egret was trying to hide in the trees in the shade in the early morning. It just didn't work so well. Bright white bird hiding in the shadows wasn't too hard to spot.
Sometimes you just have to smash a few photos together and see what happens.
A few times I've taken a series of photos and stitched them together to show the flight or action of a bird. Usually I've taken the photos on land where the only thing moving or at least the major movement is with the bird. In this collage I was kayaking moving toward the egret at an angle and also twisting my body to take the photos. Add in the movement of the egret and the wind blowing the trees and you have a near impossible series of photos to simply stitch together.
So I tried this. Blend them in to show the movement.💙🤎🤍💙
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I could hear a Wood Thrush at the edge of the forest as I walked toward it.  Its song is so unique and loud that you can...

I could hear a Wood Thrush at the edge of the forest as I walked toward it. Its song is so unique and loud that you can't miss it. I was certain it was only 20 or 30 feet away from me but I never saw it. As I kept searching for it this little song sparrow was singing for me too. Sometimes you just have to photograph the one you're with LOL

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 1000


Do you need an external monitor for your bird, wildlife photography⁉️  My latest video 🎥 answers that question and I was...

Do you need an external monitor for your bird, wildlife photography⁉️
My latest video 🎥 answers that question and I was surprised by what I found out.


Out for an early morning walk and could hear this Nuthatch following me, so I just had to snap some pics. 📸🌿••A fast-mov...

Out for an early morning walk and could hear this Nuthatch following me, so I just had to snap some pics. 📸🌿

A fast-moving and inquisitive bird, capturing photos of it in the forest while handholding a 200-600mm lens proved to be quite a challenge. But as always, it was all about finding the perfect light and timing. I patiently waited for it to land on branches or clearings that provided just the right light, allowing me to maintain a high enough shutter speed to freeze this beautiful bird in action. By the end of my walk, I had way more shots than I expected from this little bird. 😄🌳

📷 Camera Specs:

Camera: SONY A1
Lens: SONY 200-600mm
ISO: 640
Shutter Speed: 1/1600
Aperture: f/6.3


Is your memory card holding you back? 🤔•Went out kayaking the other day and had a great day kayaking and grabbing some b...

Is your memory card holding you back? 🤔

Went out kayaking the other day and had a great day kayaking and grabbing some bird photos. There were maybe 10 or 12 mute swans in the area that I tried to sneak up on. Hugging the shoreline until as always one of them took off. This series is just a few shots taken when one did just that.

Recently I've been testing the Exascend 480gb essential series cfexpress type A memory card for some 8K video. You can check out my latest YouTube video for the results of that. Link is in my bio.

Since I've started using this card I've also noticed something interesting with my photography. More images are in focus. The SONY specs on the SONY A1 say it doesn't matter what the speed of the card is as it will buffer and slow down the frames per second if the card is slow. But I'm seeing something different. I'm seeing more in focus. More testing is needed!

I'm curious has anyone else seen this with their memory cards?

📷 Camera Specs
Sony FE 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 GM OSS Lens
ISO 640

Been so long since I've seen one, then two and three then four?!•Every year there seems to be one bird that just keeps s...

Been so long since I've seen one, then two and three then four?!

Every year there seems to be one bird that just keeps showing up way more than any other year. It seems for me the cedar waxwing is this years bird. I've seen it on a couple occasions now this year with this one being extra special 🤔🤣 with four showing up at the same time.

Have you experienced something like this whwn out taking photos?

📷 Camera Specs
SONY 100-400mm
ISO 400



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