Gofundme Book
Many wonderful people stepped up and lifted me out of my homelessness via a previous Gofundme. To those folks thank you from the bottom of my heart. What you did was help me off the streets, god bless you. I was living in my truck, then a hockey arena converted into a homeless shelter, and thanks to your help I now reside in an a small apartment in a city community building. My old age pension permits me to pay my rent and basic needs. I also volunteer to help the seniors there by cooking a meal for 60 monthly as well as overseeing the organic gardening seniors.
It has also allowed me to get here. HERE is my having written a book/novel on being homeless. I want to share my story with the world, give hope to those that need it, open doors to politicians to understand and learn, plus give back in that part of the book proceeds will also accomplish help, in only a way an insider understands.
My new book is called The Mayor of The Wal-Mart Parking Lot, because as I started out homeless I lived out of my truck, and the safest place was the Wal-Mart parking lot. There were other homeless in their cars there among the many RV people.
I am trying to reach people at Wal-Mart Marketing and Purchasing too. It would be very cool to speak to Wal-Mart- I estimated a large revenue number they receive from RV’s and homeless from their welcome parking lots.
The book as it enters the final stages of grammar and spell checking before proofreading and editing, addition of pictures and such is now 245 pages, likely to get to 280, will be published as a hard cover and paperback.
It is important to do this gofundme because despite having income to pay my bills, it is necessary to spend around $3,500 to get the professional services to get the book ready (edited) to publish and market. As one may expect the banks are not interested in lending me the money- they don’t think a former homeless person has dreams or motivations- and as an unknown author publishers are shy. It took Stephen King multiple attempts to get his first book published.
So please help as best you can, any amount that gets me towards the goal is welcomed.
I have just put up a page. https://www.facebook.com/mayor.of.the.wal.mart.parking.lot/
Any donation over $100 will receive a certified first edition, personally inscribed and signed copy of the book. Shipped within North America continental.
10% of all net profits of book sales will be donated to helping the homeless, through supporting food programs.
Thanks you in advance!
Hello Many wonderful people stepped up and lifted me out of my homelessness vi… Grant Yusak needs your support for Publish an inside story on homelessness