Managing an energy limiting condition like ME/CFS requires making many small changes to your routine. Gradually these small changes can add up to help you balance your energy expenditure across the day, ie to pace your energy. The Visible app with wearable uses constant heart rate monitoring to help you understand how your body is responding to different activities on that particular day in that particular moment. This can help you make informed changes to your routine over time, and also to choose what is best for you on that specific day. Here are some of the changes I’ve made in my bathroom routine and layout based on the feedback from my Visible Wearable. #Visible #MECFS #ME #CFS #ChronicIllness #EnergyLimitingCondition #EnergyManagement #Disability #AssistiveTech #AssistiveTechnology #ad #POTS #BathroomMakeover #Bathroom #BathroomLayout #Sick #HeartRate #HR #Polar #PolarArmBand #Wearable #Tracking #Tracker #LifeChanging #Tool #LifeChangingTools