Minerva’s Creations offering 3 packages
Minerva’s Creations offering 3 packages
1. I have 3 packages which includes face painting, balloon twisting and 30 minutes magic show for 10 to 15 kids for 2 hours.
2. Backdrop packages, professional backdrop, customize message, full garland. 1 plint white table, set up and tear down.
3. Glitters nail polish, balloon twisting and face painting up to 15 kids only for 2 hours.
4. Face painting, glitter tattoos and balloon twisting up to 15 kids only for 2 hours.
5. Professional marque number. Height is 4 feet with lights and made of wood. With full garland.
6. Bubble show and glitter art are not included in the package I have 10 years experience.
I have 5 million insurance. I have 162, 5 star reviews in google if you search Minerva’s Creations. I used professional paints and materials that is safe for the kids. Guaranteed quality.
Attached is my website.
My Facebook site:
Some Balloon Twisting that I done in the party. #kidsentertainer #highlight #balloontwisting #followers #innisfilballoons #newmarketballoons #auroraballoons #vaughanballoons #woodbridgeballoons #kingcityballoons #bradfordballoons #barrieballoons #eastgwillimbury
Face Painting that I done. #highlight #followers #bradfordmom #innisfilmom #newmarketmom #auroramom #woodbridgemom #vaughanmom #georgianmom #eastgwillimburymom
Some balloon twisting done in birthday party. #birthdayparty #highlight #kidsentertainer #balloontwister #bradfordmom #newmarketmom #auroramom #innisfilballoons #newmarketballoons #auroraballoons #vaughanballoons #woodbridgeballoons #kingcityballoons #bradfordballoons #barrieballoons #bradfordballoons
Happy 7th Birthday Kaelynn. Lol Doll Theme for birthday party. #highlight #innisfilballoons #marqueballoon #newmarketballoons #auroraballoons #vaughanballoons #followers #woodbridgeballoons #kingcityballoons #bradfordballoons #barrieballoons
Garland Backdrop, Face Painting, Balloon Twisting, Magic show and Bubble Show
Minerva’s Creations offering the packages
1. I have 3 packages which includes face painting, balloon twisting and 30 minutes magic show for 10 to 15 kids for 2 hours.
2. Backdrop packages, professional backdrop, customize message, full garland. 1 plint white table, set up and tear down.
3. Glitters nail polish, balloon twisting and face painting up to 15 kids only for 2 hours.
4. Face painting, glitter and balloon twisting up to 15 kids only for 2 hours.
5. Professional marque number. Height is 4 feet with lights and made of wood. With full garland.
6. Bubble show and glitter art are not included in the package.
I have 10 years experience. I have 5 million insurance. I have 159, 5 star reviews in google if you search Minerva’s Creations. I used professional paints and materials that is safe for the kids. Guaranteed quality. #highlight #kidsentertainer #kidsparties #followers #kidsbirthdays
Minerva’s Creations done face painting and balloon twisting at Marina in Keswick. They have 500 boats. #kidsentertainer #highlight #followers #kidsbirthdays #kidsparties
Backdrop with garland for 50th Birthday. #backdrop #highlight #innisfilballoons #newmarketballoons #auroraballoons #vaughanballoons #woodbridgeballoons #followers #kingcityballoons #bradfordballoons #barrieballoons #50thbirthday #marquenumber
I would like to thank my wonderful clients for the amazing 5 star reviews. I have 159, 5 stars reviews. Thank you very much. #highlight #followers #bradfordmom #newmarketmoms #auroramoms #kidsentertainer #eastgwillimburymoms #georgianmoms #barriemoms #woodbridgemoms
Bubble Show #highlight #innisfilballoons #newmarketballoons #auroraballoons #vaughanballoons #woodbridgeballoons #followers #bradfordballoons #kingcityballoons #eastgwillimburymoms #woodbridgemom #auroramom #richmondhillmom #bondheadmom
Bubble Show Tricks . #bubbleshow #kidsentertainer #bubbleshowtricks #highlight #newmarketmoms #innisfilmoms #eastgwillimburymoms #woodbridgemoms #auroramoms #followers #richmondhillmoms #vaughanmoms