Beth Goh, who attended the last "The Art of Harmonizing Music and Food" event at the House of Boateng, enjoyed the experience she wrote us:
"The marriage of music and food comes together perfectly with Aerie Trio and House of Boateng’s joint venture to present “Harmonizing Music & Food ~ Celebrating our Island’s Hidden Gems”. The whole evening was such a delight from the beautiful sounds of flute, piano & cello (and a surprise appearance from a rainstick) playing; to the artful presentation of food to match each piece of music; and then tasting the food. Our senses of hearing, sight, smell & taste were all stimulated! An extra bonus was having the composer not only play in the trio but talk about each piece before playing so we could picture a scene as the music unfolded. And the chef introduced each dish before eating. My expectations for this event were more than met!
Bravo Composer Diane Berry & Chef Castro Boateng on bringing this idea to life! "
Tickets are available through the link. We hope you won't want to miss this!
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