Practicing your canine first aid skills ensures you’ll know what to do and how to do it in the case of an emergency!
But practicing isn’t just for your benefit.
Even the sweetest natured dog can become reactive in pain or shock.
Practicing first aid skills with your dog and using positive reinforcement when there isn’t an emergency, will make it much more likely that your dog will be a willing (or at least tolerant) participant, which in turn will help keep you safe. And that’s a really good thing!
Don’t wait until you have an emergency to test your first aid skills like bandaging or muzzling.
Get your dog and his favourite treats and make learning fun!
#caninehealthcanada #caninefirstaid #helpingdogslivelonger #happydog
Ever feel like your dog is watching you when you work, just waiting for you to notice them and remember you’re suppose to take them to the park? If you’re busy like I am, you know that sometimes it’s difficult to get in those long hikes your dog loves so much. But did you know that dogs need between 14 & 18 hours of sleep PER DAY depending on age, breed and health conditions to maintain optimal health? Have a high energy dog that you just can’t seem to tire out? Maybe he’s overstimulated and needs more rest than exercise - think tired toddler. Most of us know what one of those looks like and how difficult it is to get them to settled down 😏 So next time you’re too busy for that hike, cut yourself some slack and enjoy some quiet time with your dog, play with him for a few minutes - like I did after mowing the lawn today - hide treats around the house and create a food puzzle for him to expend some of his mental energy. You don’t always have to run the dog. He might even chill out a bit if you don’t 😊