Hear His Whisper...
I am your provider.
I am your miracle provider. I give you all that you need to follow me, to live in joy, and to excel. Count your blessings: joy unlimited, peace that prevails over every shadow, and hope that will never dim. I give you the wealth of eternity, for I live within your heart. I have made you rich!
There is no limit to my power to work on your behalf. You will never ask something of me that goes beyond my ability to accomplish. All that you ask, I will give, as you come wrapped in my Son. Many focus on their limitations, on what they feel is missing, but I call you to set your gaze upon me and my limitless grace to provide. Is your family beyond this grace? Is my power and love enough to change them? Is your financial lack beyond my ability to rectify? I have made you rich, and your wealth is not hidden. It is found in my Son. He made himself poor so that through his poverty you might be made rich. The pastures of grace await you. Come and take your delight in the glory of my grace.