The IARVEL Remote Pro can connect to as many IARVEL devices you as you have and control all of them at once.
Imagine the kind of crazy routines you could come up with when every watch at your disposal is under your control.
Good news is, we are giving this ”bad boy” away free of charge if you back our TIME MASTERS project come 5TH of February, 2025.
All you have to do is support any time-related device like the Mystery Box, Big Ben and the Pocket Watch within 24hours of launch and you qualify to take the Remote Pro, an Espionage Unit and 300 monthly OCR credits for 6 months straight.
Even better, back all four devices in the campaign and you will also have for yourself the phenomenal Post-it pad, the Remote Pro and 500 OCR credits for 6 months.
If you haven’t yet, kindly check the prelaunch page and select “get notified on launch”. : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/412748530/iarvel-magic-time-masters-project
Also, we will be discussing and showcasing the products in the campaign into details on our page, follow us so you don’t miss a thing: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1138976666812315
Thanks for your time.