Multilingual Acting Studio in Brno

Multilingual Acting Studio in Brno English and Russian Speaking Theatre in Brno -
Multilingual Acting Studio Foxberry for adults and children (English & Russian language). Founded year: 2018

Multilingual Acting studio in Brno

Join us for the Open Doors Day at the Multilingual Acting Studio in Brno! Led by a JAMU graduate with extensive experien...

Join us for the Open Doors Day at the Multilingual Acting Studio in Brno! Led by a JAMU graduate with extensive experience in acting and theatre Eliška Houserová, this event promises to be a unique and creative opportunity for everyone interested in developing their skills in a safe and supportive environment.

During this Open Doors Day, participants will have the chance to experience how theatre principles can enhance communication skills, boost creativity, and foster collaboration. Whether you’re looking to develop public speaking skills, unleash your imagination, or simply connect with others who share your interests, this event is for you!

📅Date: Tuesday 15h of October 2024, 17:30-19:30
🎂Age: 15+
🗣️Languages: Czech, English
💰Fee: 300 CZK per 1 participant
➡️Pre-registration is required:
🌐Address: Konečného náměstí 2a, Brno

Připojte se k nám na Den otevřených dveří v Multilingválním hereckém studiu v Brně! Akci povede absolventka JAMU Eliška Houserová, která má bohaté zkušenosti s herectvím a divadlem. Tento den slibuje jedinečnou a kreativní příležitost pro každého, kdo má zájem rozvíjet své dovednosti v bezpečném a podpůrném prostředí.

Během Dne otevřených dveří budou mít účastníci příležitost vyzkoušet si, jak principy divadla mohou zlepšit komunikační dovednosti, podpořit kreativitu a rozvíjet spolupráci. Ať už chcete zlepšit své schopnosti veřejného projevu, uvolnit svou fantazii, nebo se jednoduše setkat s lidmi, kteří sdílejí vaše zájmy, tato akce je právě pro vás!

📅 Datum: úterý 15. října 2024, 17:30-19:30
🎂 Věk: 15+
🗣️Jazyk: čeština, angličtina
💰 Cena: 300 Kč na 1 účastníka
➡️ Předběžná registrace je nutná:
🌐 Adresa: Konečného náměstí 2a, Brno

We are restarting the studio from 8th of October 2004!Our goal in the acting studio is to support students in self-prese...

We are restarting the studio from 8th of October 2004!

Our goal in the acting studio is to support students in self-presentation, teamwork, and developing their creativity. Students will have the opportunity to try various theatre techniques, participate in improvisations, and create small scenes or theatre performances. The lessons focus on connecting acting skills with the cultural experiences of the participants, allowing for multicultural enrichment. Additionally, it is important for students to learn how to express their emotions and thoughts not only verbally but also through movement, which will help them better understand different cultural nuances.


Konečného Náměstí 1019/2a


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