Fungus Circus - Psilocybe Tribe

Fungus Circus - Psilocybe Tribe Artists and enthusiasts combining psychedelic and post-apocalyptic genres, creating bodypaints, decorations, and circus arts workshops under black light.

We are not performers we are enjoying our creativity and want you to join and enjoy it with us.


🔶🔷 KMENY VOL. 2 / TRIBES VOL. 2 🔷🔶

Kdo ještě se na CYBERTOWN 2023 bude starat o unikátní atmošku a nezapomenutelné zážitky?

▼ Dead Dogs Art&Cosplay opět rozduní svou bázi v Arše a pojedou párty až do rána. Můžete si k tomu u nich nechat udělat i nějaký UV paint.

▼ SYNTED1 opět otevřou brány Gamehally. Těšit se můžete na turnaje, hry i nějaké peprnější virtuální zážitky.

▼ Kovošrot na Plácku provozuje hotýlek. Hodinový i klasický, podle tučnosti konta kreditů. Vedle toho zřizují komisní prodej všeho možného pro ty, kdo nemají vlastní stánek.

▼ ZONE RATS post-apocalyptic group budou mít opět stánek s cetkama, merchem a zajít k nim můžete i na postapo pukec.

▼ Auxilia Morte – Závody a hry jako kubb, woodkopf, rybičky a rybáři, kopýtka, burrito nebo Santo, vypij mě! Že to neznáte? Poznáte!

▼ Vol-Tech nabídnou luxus v podobě snídaňového bufetu. Bude se přísně dodržovat protokol ""kdo přijde, ten žere, esli eště je co"" A taky si připravili NERF střelnici o ceny.

▼ Kulturní fronta zpřístupní svůj Max Kalbar a zahrajete si u nich i karetní hru Pán Kalby.

▼ 326 nabízí zpestření. Klidné místo k odpočinku a rozjímání nad tou krásou a kalbou vůkol. Budou mít i fotokoutek a mezi vás se vypraví s pojízným obchůdkem nabízejícím cetky a kmenový merch.

▼ Mrchožrouti nabízí degustaci nejvybranější prémiové ohnivé vody.

▼ Dead Jack nabízejí drobné opravy světýlek a gadgetů. Hodně cenná služba, když chcete v noci parádně blikat.

▼ Krutej Sever si pro vás připravil úkoly. Stačí najít člena kmene a zažít Krutej Sever na vlastní kůži.

▼ Knihovna bude opět zónou klidu a odpočinku s nabídkou recykliteratury, nenáročnějších společenských her spojených se čtením a samovarem. A také se dočkáme Fallout speedrunu.

▼ Fungus Circus - Psilocybe Tribe a jejich pohybové cirkusové performance jsou už legendární. Stejně tak jako psychedelická výzdoba jejich báze.

▼ Nuclear Valkyries jsou už stálice v doprovodném programu se svými zápasy ve slizu.

▼ Spalovači za patřičné kredity uklidí cokoliv a kohokoliv. Prohánět se budou i ve své hrající a svítící Spalokáře a před kasárnami vytvoří venkovní posezení.

▼ Západní Slované nabídnou výborné pivo a k tomu dýmku, kvas a hardbass.

▼ Zkávisyni na Náměstí nabídnou zkávěně dobrou kur... kávu!

▼ Stříbrná horda kšeftuje s tuze vzácným zbožím, toitiž papírem. Toaletním... (Takže v předchozí větě není překlep! ;))

🎫 Vstupenky:

--- 🇬🇧 ---

Who else at CYBERTOWN 2023 will provide a unique atmosphere and unforgettable experience?

▼ Dead Dogs will once again rock their base in the Ark and party until dawn. You can even get some UV paint done by them.

▼ SYNTED1 will open the gates of Gamehalla again. You can look forward to tournaments, games and some peppier virtual experiences.

▼ Kovošrot runs a hotel. Hourly or classic, depending on the your the credit account. In addition, they're setting up a consignment sale for those who don't have their own booth.

▼ ZONE RATS will have a stall with trinkets, merch and you can also go to them for a post-apocalyptic game of "pukec".

▼ Auxilia Morte offers races and games like kubb, woodkopf, fish and fishermen, hoofers, burritos and Santa, drink me! Don't you know it? You are going to!

▼ Vol-Tech will offer the luxury of a breakfast buffet. The protocol of "he who comes, eats, eats, eats, eats, eats..." will be strictl. And they've also setting up a NERF shooting range for prizes.

▼ Kulturní fronta will be opening up their Max Kalbar and you can also play their Lord of Kalba card game.

▼ 326 is opening a quiet place to relax and contemplate the beauty and calm around you. They'll have a photo booth, and they'll set you up with a snack shop offering trinkets and tribal merch.

▼ Mrchožrouti will offer a tasting of the finest premium firewater.

▼ Dead Jack's offering small repairs on flares and gadgets. A very valuable service if you want to flash your lights at night.

▼ Krutej sever has prepared a challenge for you. All you have to do is find a tribe member and experience the Bloody North for yourself.

▼ Knihovna will once again be a zone of peace and relaxation, offering recycled literature and more casual social games involving reading and samovar. And there will be a Fallout speedrun.

▼ Fungus Circus and their circus performances are already legendary. As well as the psychedelic decor of their base.

▼ Nuclear Valkyries are already a fixture on the bill with their slime fights.

▼ Spalovači will clean up anything and anyone for the proper credits. They'll also be strutting around in their playing and glowing Incinerator and creating an outdoor seating area in front of the barracks.

▼ Západní Slované will offer excellent beer, plus pipe, kvass and hardbass.

▼ Zkávisyni will offer the best coffee in town!

▼ Stříbrná horda deals in a rare commodity, namely paper. Toilet paper...

🎫 Tickets:

O víkendu skvělá akce  Diky! A myji využili takyk navezeni hromady cirkusu :) máme pro Vas obruče v opravdu post-apo sta...

O víkendu skvělá akce Diky! A myji využili takyk navezeni hromady cirkusu :) máme pro Vas obruče v opravdu post-apo stavu co svítí v UV, hromadu bazenovych nudli protože proč ne 😂 a hromadu matraci pro vaše bezpeci jak už při cirkusovych pokusech tak v chillu. Těšíme se na Vas na některé z dalších akci a na to cely rozsvitime!

Our small circus hidden inside bigger circus. Thx  for arriving to our bunker.💚💜Thx  for helping this happen 💜💚Pic one b...

Our small circus hidden inside bigger circus.
Thx for arriving to our bunker.💚💜
Thx for helping this happen 💜💚

Pic one by Jan Hromadko

Houby po dešti. I don't know if this idiom exists in English.Photo by

Houby po dešti.
I don't know if this idiom exists in English.

Photo by

Little shrooms from .Not dead just resting. Forming pods maybe 😝Photo by:

Little shrooms from .
Not dead just resting.
Forming pods maybe 😝

Photo by:

As a new circus enthusiasts this is one of our monkeys and the only kind of animal you can see here Photo:           # m...

As a new circus enthusiasts this is one of our monkeys and the only kind of animal you can see here


# monkeys

Another happy fungi that tried circus on its own very skin on our aerial hoopAt  Picture by Zuzana Hrdá

Another happy fungi that tried circus on its own very skin on our aerial hoop

Picture by Zuzana Hrdá

This is the mood we love in   at  Thx for first pics from the festival by

This is the mood we love in at
Thx for first pics from the festival by

We were very glad that we can host   on our fungus stageThe show was awesome! Photo by:

We were very glad that we can host on our fungus stage
The show was awesome!

Photo by:

.festival fungus base during the day 💜🎪🍄💚Thx Houba Gába for the pictures.🙏

.festival fungus base during the day 💜🎪🍄💚
Thx Houba Gába for the pictures.🙏


PsyApo Festival was great!
Thx guys for enjoying it with us 💜
Pls tag us in case you have some pictures 👾


Wanna see how it looks like when a creative fungi discover new trick? We love balance! 💜🎪💚

And it's smokin....Model: .tomik.kolouch Paint: , .witchy Photo:

And it's smokin....

Model: .tomik.kolouch
Paint: , .witchy

This show has no limits 😈Model: Eliška HeřmanskáBodypaint:  Latex:  Photography: Pierogi Photography                    ...

This show has no limits 😈

Model: Eliška Heřmanská
Photography: Pierogi Photography

Držte si klobouky! 😈Photo: Pierogi Photography

Držte si klobouky! 😈

Photo: Pierogi Photography

Soooo you have passed? Welcome to the freak show!Photo: Pierogi PhotographyBodypaint: Dush Dust ArtModel: Agáta Indrová ...

Soooo you have passed?
Welcome to the freak show!

Photo: Pierogi Photography
Bodypaint: Dush Dust Art
Model: Agáta Indrová

Soooo... You telling me you have a multipass? Let us do a quick cyber security check by agent Smith 😉Model: Tomáš Tomík ...

Soooo... You telling me you have a multipass? Let us do a quick cyber security check by agent Smith 😉

Model: Tomáš Tomík Kolouch
Paint: Witchy Moony
Photo: Pierogi Photography

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have your multipass prepared to enter out show? Model: Eliška HeřmanskáBodypaint: Vašek Sig...

Ladies and gentlemen, do you have your multipass prepared to enter out show?

Model: Eliška Heřmanská
Bodypaint: Vašek Sigi Dvorský
Photography: Pierogi Photography

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Let us introduce first picture from our last project of    and Dush Dust ArtThis pict...

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Let us introduce first picture from our last project of

and Dush Dust Art
This picture taken by amazing Pierogi Photography
Bodypaint by our main anatomy freak with artistic help of Vašek Sigi Dvorský and Eliška Heřmanská painted on a mystery model.

Back stage pick from yesterdays great collaboration of   and friends Stay tuned for finalized pics. I'll try t...

Back stage pick from yesterdays great collaboration of
and friends

Stay tuned for finalized pics. I'll try to keep you busy while waiting by some pics from our previous collaboration on autum glow party 😏💜💚



It's always better when they move! 🤯

Za fungus cirkus vám přeji krásný nový rok, ve kterém zazáříte a doufám, že se brzy zase setkáme a vytvoříme něco skvělé...

Za fungus cirkus vám přeji krásný nový rok, ve kterém zazáříte a doufám, že se brzy zase setkáme a vytvoříme něco skvělého 💜💚

Improvizovaná novoroční želva pro vás 🐢

We are alive! Yesterday's party was awesome! We will write a thank you post after we manage to clean up the club 😂😂😂💜💚  ...

We are alive! Yesterday's party was awesome! We will write a thank you post after we manage to clean up the club 😂😂😂💜💚

It's not easy to capture the circus at night... But luckily some shrooms like to chill on circus equipment 💜💚           ...

It's not easy to capture the circus at night... But luckily some shrooms like to chill on circus equipment 💜💚

Možná jste to už koukali na obrázku v záhlaví události naší Glow Párty, ale tady to máte radši ještě jednou. Protože my ...

Možná jste to už koukali na obrázku v záhlaví události naší Glow Párty, ale tady to máte radši ještě jednou. Protože my z toho máme radost 🙂
Bodypaint: Dush Dust Art
Photo: Pierogi Photography

Událost 29.10.2021 v Alterne

Sometimes we go random places and we discover perfect spots for circus. Like this exposition at                         ...

Sometimes we go random places and we discover perfect spots for circus. Like this exposition at


Small part of aquarium on festival
Designed by and

Lesson learned: take footage of your decorations while you still have steady hand...

"Please take off your shoes" 😇🍄Safety rules and great refreshment... Very important things for great circus. Pictures fr...

"Please take off your shoes" 😇🍄
Safety rules and great refreshment... Very important things for great circus.
Pictures from festival
Decorations coordinated by
Solitaire with staff: .mashiro


Everything can be an UV decoration! 💜💀💚
Sculls made by Witchy for
Used on looking forward to new party!



Internetová stránka


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