Game Beer

Game Beer Casual events for the Czech videogame development community

How to combine video games, music and beer? Join us next week to celebrate our 1st anniversary of Game Beer events! 🥳💜🍻

How to combine video games, music and beer? Join us next week to celebrate our 1st anniversary of Game Beer events! 🥳💜🍻


It was amazing to have Sébastien Croteau from The Monster Factory / La fabrique de monstres joining us in Kino Kavalírka at Game Beer! They are known for their authentic professional monster sounds for games like Guardians of the Galaxy, God of War: Ragnarõk, Baldur's Gate 3, Resident Evil or DEVIL'S GATE and presented a fun workshop where they taught us how to sound like a proper zombie! 🧟

It is finally here! Check out our talk about Monster Voices by Sébastien Croteau on our Youtube Channel!

It is finally here! Check out our talk about Monster Voices by Sébastien Croteau on our Youtube Channel!

For this Game Beer talk we have invited Sebastién Croteau (Voice actor, director and coach) to share his 30+ years of experience of throat singing and vocal ...

Wargaming - the studio behind World of Tanks - who hosted the Game Beer event together with us in March at their offices...

Wargaming - the studio behind World of Tanks - who hosted the Game Beer event together with us in March at their offices in Prague got news! Check out their new event about Community Management!

Sign up and write that you know about this event via "Other: Game Beer", a little suprise will await you! 🥳

Step up your game! 🎮 🆙

Expand your network, boost your expertise and have fun with your peers. 👌

Join our exclusive XP Boost Meetups, together with all the local video gaming professionals.

Event details:
📅 Thursday, 11th of May
⌚ 18:00h
📍 Wargaming office: Sokolovská 17 (Florenc)

We will start with an impactful presentation, “Community Management: Elevating your product's presence online” with Christian Bergmann, Regional Publishing Director, World of Warships, followed by a Q&A session. Join us after for delightful international cuisine, drinks, and a fun quiz with exciting XP Boost gifts! 🎁

Participation is free, but seating is limited, so secure your spot today!

Confirm your attendance now!

For more updates and upcoming events, check our groups:



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