JAD Productions

JAD Productions Creative & Production Agency with the heart of an artist. We focus on delivery of stunning visual ex

We are all about making epic gigs / conferences / videos / event productions for clients with attitude and taste. We come up with a creative concept, get the right talents, build custom design stage, ensure the presence on social media and manage whole project on time and budget - and most importantly, with outstanding results. But don't take our word for it, check out the testimonials and our portfolio.


Looking back at a project that is very close to our hearts!

Over the last few years we founded and developed Moonshot Platform's virtual conferences, and last year we were able to launch our first-ever Moonshot Awards 2022 in New York City! It was such an incredible and inspiring journey and we look forward to developing many more Moonshot Platform projects this year!

Check out more here: https://www.moonshotplatform.org/
Yemi A.D.

We feel deep solidarity with all people suffering from the war in Ukraine. We decided to take action and help as much as...

We feel deep solidarity with all people suffering from the war in Ukraine. We decided to take action and help as much as we can. Because every human is an individual and every human has a different system of preferences, we decided to give every single team member freedom to choose the way he/she wants to help.



# we are proud to produce new trailer for the world leading VR game from Czech developers .

# New music packs features Skrillex’s biggest hits and we teamed up with super talented director Roland Wranik & his team.

# New edition comming soon……..


Dnes má premiéru v Národním divalde choreografie Bohemian Gravity. Autorem choreografie není nikdo jiný než founder JAD ...

Dnes má premiéru v Národním divalde choreografie Bohemian Gravity. Autorem choreografie není nikdo jiný než founder JAD productions Yemi A.D. Bohemian Gravity je o hledání elementárního zdroje naší kreativity a jejího vztahu ke svobodě. Za celým all star teamem je doopravdy veliký kus skvělé práce a my držíme palce ať se premiéra zadaří tak, jak jsme v JADU zvyklí. O teamu a konceptu celé inscenace se můžete dozvědět na webu www.bohemiangravity.com, nicméně my Vám vřele doporučujeme se jít o tom, jak je to s tou Bohémskou Gravitací, převědčit na vlastní oči.

Představení Bohemian Gravity je součástí triptychu “bpm”, který na světlo světa přivede The Czech National Ballet


Náměstí Winstona Churchilla 1800/2
Praha 8



Internetová stránka


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