Arabesque Shows & Events

Arabesque Shows & Events Creative show programs for your celebration.

Naše show kombinuje světelné efekty s moderní gymnastikou, tanec s pyrotechnikou, a catering umíme proměnit v estetický zážitek.

Welcome to our new Instagram!🌟Arabesque Show invites you into a mesmerizing world of elegance, harmony, and beauty in mo...

Welcome to our new Instagram!🌟

Arabesque Show invites you into a mesmerizing world of elegance, harmony, and beauty in motion, showcased in our innovative LED show!

Imagine professional gymnasts whose mastery seamlessly intertwines with captivating LED effects. Our performances embody the grace and beauty of movement that will thrill you.

Join us and immerse yourself in the realm of high skill and inspiration!

Follow us to see our latest performances and special offers!📱💫

The dance of our dancers with fans not only surprises and excites every spectator, but also brings positive energy to th...

The dance of our dancers with fans not only surprises and excites every spectator, but also brings positive energy to the whole hall. ✨
Tanec našich tanečnic s vějíři nejen překvapí a nadchne každého diváka, ale přináší také pozitivní energii do celého sálu. ✨

Immerse yourself in this breathtaking performance with us and watch the flames blend with the perfect movements of our t...

Immerse yourself in this breathtaking performance with us and watch the flames blend with the perfect movements of our talented dancers. 🫶🏻🔥
Ponořte se s námi do tohoto úchvatného představení a pozorujte, jak se plameny prolínají s dokonalými pohyby našich talentovaných tanečnic. 🫶🏻🔥

We wish you that this Valentine's Day is full of love, happiness and well-being with your significant other. May your mo...

We wish you that this Valentine's Day is full of love, happiness and well-being with your significant other. May your moments together be unforgettable and filled not only with love, but also with laughter and joy. 💝
Přejeme vám, aby tenhle Valentýn byl plný lásky, štěstí a pohody s vaší drahou polovičkou. Ať jsou vaše společné chvíle nezapomenutelné a naplněné nejen láskou, ale i smíchem a radostí. 💝

Soon a day full of love and joy awaits us. Are you ready for the feast of lovers? If you still do not know how to surpri...

Soon a day full of love and joy awaits us. Are you ready for the feast of lovers? If you still do not know how to surprise your soul mate and you are tired of classic gifts, then a big fiery heart is the right choice for you. This burning pyrotechnic heart is a symbol of love, and love is a beautiful force that can inflame the heart and give life. ❤️🥰
Brzy nás čeká den plný lásky a radosti. Už jste připraveni na svátek zamilovaných? Pokud stále ještě nevíte, jak překvapit svou spřízněnou duši a už vás omrzely klasické dárky tak je pro vás velké ohnivé srdce správná volba. Toto hořící pyrotechnické srdce je symbolem lásky a láska je krásná síla, která dokáže rozpálit srdce a dodat život. ❤️🥰

The light of the lotuses and the magic of the dancers merged into one! These dancers radiate elegance and beauty with th...

The light of the lotuses and the magic of the dancers merged into one! These dancers radiate elegance and beauty with their movements, as if they were shining fairies. With a flair for dance and a charming style, they give life to the scene.🪷✨
Světlo lotusů a kouzlo tanečnic se spojilo v jedno! Tyto tanečnice vyzařují eleganci a krásu svými pohyby, jako kdyby byly zářícími vílami. S citem pro tanec a okouzlujícím stylem, dávají život scéně. 🪷✨

When light and dance moves meet, something amazing is created. These dancers prove that dance performance can be a real ...

When light and dance moves meet, something amazing is created. These dancers prove that dance performance can be a real art. Their enthusiasm for dance is evident at every step and thanks to this they become a real experience for the audience. 🥰
Když se setkají světlo a taneční pohyby, vznikne něco úžasného. Tyto tanečnice dokazují, že taneční vystoupení může být opravdovým uměním. Jejich nadšení pro tanec je na každém kroku znát a díky tomu se stávají skutečným zážitkem pro diváky. 🥰

Preparation for the performance is just as important as the performance itself. These talented dancers give everything t...

Preparation for the performance is just as important as the performance itself. These talented dancers give everything to make our show the best it can be! ✨
Příprava na vystoupení je stejně důležitá jako samotné vystoupení. Tyhle talentované tanečnice dávají do tréninku vše, aby naše show byla co nejlepší! ✨

We hope you enjoyed the holidays and time spent with your loved ones. What resolutions have you set for the new year? 🫶🏻...

We hope you enjoyed the holidays and time spent with your loved ones. What resolutions have you set for the new year? 🫶🏻
Doufáme, že jste si užili svátky a čas strávený s vašimi blízkými. Jaké předsevzetí jste si stanovili do nového roku? 🫶🏻

We wish you all the best for the new year. May the year 2023 be full of joy, love, success and fulfilled wishes for you....

We wish you all the best for the new year. May the year 2023 be full of joy, love, success and fulfilled wishes for you. We wish you a lot of health, well-being and happiness and we hope that you will get everything you desire this year.

May the new year bring you everything you wish for and may 2023 be truly special for you. Team Arabesque 🫶🏻
Přejeme vám vše nejlepší do nového roku. Ať je pro vás rok 2023 plný radosti, lásky, úspěchů a splněných přání. Přejeme vám hodně zdraví, pohody a štěstí a doufáme, že se v tomto roce dočkáte všeho, po čem toužíte.

Ať vám nový rok přináší všechno to, co si přejete a ať je pro vás rok 2023 opravdu výjimečný. Tým Arabesque 🫶🏻
#2023 #2022

The view from above allows us to see all the beauty and elegance of the movement of our ballerina. Let yourself be carri...

The view from above allows us to see all the beauty and elegance of the movement of our ballerina. Let yourself be carried away into the world of dance and beauty. 🩰
Pohled zhora nám umožňuje vidět celou krásu a eleganci pohybu naší baleríny. Nechte se unést do světa tance a krásy. 🩰
#2022 #2023

Take a closer look at our unique wings. The wings give the dancers grace and a charming look. Thanks to them, the dancer...

Take a closer look at our unique wings. The wings give the dancers grace and a charming look. Thanks to them, the dancers look even more beautiful than usual. 😍🦋
Podívejte se zblízka na naše unikátní křídla. Křídla dodávají tanečnicím půvab a okouzlující vzhled. Díky ním vypadají tanečnice ještě krásněji než obvykle. 😍🦋


One of our props are glowing fans. Working with them is sometimes not as simple as it seems at first sight. But they loo...

One of our props are glowing fans. Working with them is sometimes not as simple as it seems at first sight. But they look amazing and we love them. 😻✨
Jedna z našich rekvizit jsou svítící vějíře. Pracovat s nimi někdy není tak jednouché, jak to vypadá na první pohled. Ale vypadají úžasně a my je milujeme.😻✨

We’ve had a blast on Sunday at the charity concert of the Dětský balet Praha link (Children Ballet Prague) packed with c...

We’ve had a blast on Sunday at the charity concert of the Dětský balet Praha link (Children Ballet Prague) packed with celebrities. The earnings will help to equip the dance studio. It was a great atmosphere, also especially thanks to the audience with a warm applause. Thank you for this evening from the whole Arabesque team!☺️
V neděli jsme se zúčastnili benefičního koncertu odkaz, kterého se mimo jiné zúčastnilo mnoho osobností. Výtěžek pomůže vybavit taneční studio. Atmosféra celé akce byla skvělá a to především díky publiku a jeho vřelému potlesku. Děkujeme za tento večer od celého týmu Arabesque!☺️

Would you like to experience a show full of light effects and acrobatics? With us, everything is possible. Book a breath...

Would you like to experience a show full of light effects and acrobatics? With us, everything is possible. Book a breathtaking performance that you and your guest won't forget. 🤩
Chtěli byste zažít show plnou světelných efektů a akrobacie? U nás je vše možné. Bude to dech beroucí představení, na které nezapomenete. 🤩


Especially for winter events: We have updated our bestseller "Evolution" and prepared a new performance "Dynamic Crystal...

Especially for winter events: We have updated our bestseller "Evolution" and prepared a new performance "Dynamic Crystals"💎 in which you can look forward to:

- Circus acrobatics
- Your LED logo
- Graceful dance with light props

Contact us to secure the dates of your event 🤩
📞+420 777 507 283
✉️ [email protected]


Pod Višnovkou, 19

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About Z-Show

We are an international team of creative artists, who take care of high level event entertainment. We know that the first impression is as important as the last one and we make sure that your event gets bright colours and emotions in each moment: from welcoming guests, through the main program and to the final point.

We offer you a wide portfolio of visually captivating show acts and entertainment services, as well as tailor-made concepts. We illuminate gymnastics and ballet performances, provide creative walking acts, we ignite professional dance show with fire and pyrotechnics and can enhance your event with a breathtaking fireworks.

Whether you want your soireé to round up with an incredible impact, launch a product in a memorable and creative manner, make your wedding day a lifetime memory or simply add an artistic touch to your event entrance, drop us a message!

Let’s make your upcoming event a memorable one everybody will talk about!