Capture the world in lifelike 3D
Florescent decorations for parties, events and all kinds of festivals
Plynarni 7
Slezská Ostrava
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Pošlete zprávu Elemental crew:
Elemental crew is a project of two friends Michal and Vaclav, who came from the Ostrava (CZ) underground more than 20 years ago. Their common enthusiasm for space installations and decorating parties came to the clear path after they have discovered the magic of elastic fabrics and have formed a deco team in 2004.
It is always a challenge for them - a new interesting space, new places and organizations, traveling to unvisited countries and meeting new people. Elemental crew has already decorated many parties and festivals throughout Europe. They like to create their decorations by hand, explore new shapes and sacred geometric patterns that are the basis of their art.
In 2013 together with Cyreal and other friends founded UFO BUFO Team. Every year Elemental crew creates fresh decoration on the main stage of UFO BUFO festival