Dion is Sven Seidler born ´77 in the near of Berlin.
Antaris `97 as my first amazing experience with psychedelic trance music. In `99 i started DJ-being.
Psytrance was more and more an important role in my life and his musically development.
In 2017 we revived together with Dj Sake, Chris-A-Nova and Otacon Electric Playground.
In the last few years i played in different clubs and events in germany like KitKat, MfE, Zeche Dortmund, Insel der Jugend, Stellwerk, Bootswahna, Zug der Liebe, Nation of Gondwana, Zurück zu den Wurzeln.
For me, psytrance is the antipode to everyday life. Without psytrance ... life will be a mistake !