Classic Southern Rock'n'Country Tribute Show - Für Euer Festival, Veranstaltungen, ...
Won't Lose My Faith - new single from Thunder Mountain Crew!
Some of you had problems with the streaming/download provider links below. To ease the access this is a direct link to YouTube video/Music.
Playing everywhere around we took some time and did it again, oh yes!Enjoy Thunder Mountain Crew's newest song release Won't Lose My Faith. The song is a won...
It's out now! The new release of Thunder Mountain Crew's interpretation of Southern Rock'n'Roll. We hope you like it !
The link below brings you direct to your favorite stream/download site:
Listen to Won't Lose My Faith - Single by Thunder Mountain Crew.
Das lange, kalte Dunkle ist bald vorbei, dann gehts wieder aufs Bike....
It's coming! Our new single, WON'T LOSE MY FAITH, will be available as of 01/30/2025 on all relevant streaming/download platforms.
The link below is a PRE-SAVE to some of them. Follow your favorite provider, and they remind you at the release day to not miss it. Come on - Pre - Save it and then, when it's time, we hope you love it! 😋
Go to Won't Lose My Faith.
We wish you all a perfect new year! Take care and have fun, we'll see you 😁
We are slow, as already mentioned, the new single will come earliest in January 2025. Sorry for that! Most tasks are finalized, only a little, little piece is still waiting to be done. But to keep you in the loop, we got a tiny teaser for you, here we are: 😘
Mann, sind wir faul, träge und schlapp. Aber jetzt mal kurz und knapp: Schöppche Keller war schon echt fett, genauso waren dann auch All-Inn und Die Kassler Buben und Mädels von Van Hellsing!
Und ansonsten, kommt gut ins neue Jahr 2025!!!!!! 🤪Wir freuen uns auf euch. 😉
Receiving some videos from the festival and cut some sequenzes of songs from Molly Hatchet, Thunder Mountain Crew, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Thin Lizzy together. We...
Ich habe jetzt 200 Follower! Vielen Dank für euren kontinuierlichen Support! Ohne euch wäre das nie möglich gewesen. 🙏🤗🎉
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣nicht mit uns!!!!🖕🖕🖕👊👊👊
Hey da haben wir doch noch ein paar Bilder vom Steffenberger Bike & Rock Festival zum nachschieben. Danke Euch allen, war einfach GROßARTIG!!! 🤣
Great evening with good fellas, amazing! Thanx to our good friend Sandra, we could cut same video sequenzes together. Hope to see you again at the GERONIMOS Bike & Rock Festival, Steffenberg. 🤪
Receiving some videos from the festival and cut some sequenzes of songs from Molly Hatchet, Thunder Mountain Crew, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Thin Lizzy together. We...
Morgen Abend macht unser Dampfer bei "Back in Town" MC Geronimo in Niederhörlen halt und wir feuern euch unsere Southern Riffs bei der geilsten Party im Hinterland um die Ohren dass es nur so kracht!🤘😎🎸🍺
Hell Yeah, Brothers and Sisters!
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New single Won't Lose My Faith
We are slow, as already mentioned, the new single will come earliest in January 2025. Sorry for that! Most tasks are finalized, only a little, little piece is still waiting to be done. But to keep you in the loop, we got a tiny teaser for you, here we are: 😘
@Rock'n Baron Festival Steinfurth #ThunderMountainCrew #ThatLittleOldBandfromTexas
Und noch eins
Und noch eins
Hier ein paar Handymitschnipsel vom Rock'n Baron Festival in Steinfurth!
One Night before Big Party at Rock'n Baron Festival Steinfurth! See You!
Da fallen uns doch immer wieder Live-Videoschnipsel in die Hand, die wollen wir Euch nicht vorenthalten und Danke fürs Zusenden:
Gestern Abend im Gartenhof von Löw, Steinfurth!🤘😎Hell Yeah!
Bab bab bab Yeaaah!🤘😎🐊🍺🎸
Studio Snapshot TMC
Thunder Mountain Crew wird eigene Songs veröffentlichen!
Nachdem einige Anfragen nach Verfügbarkeit in Spotify, etc. kamen, haben wir uns entschlossen, unsere eigenen Songs zu releasen. Dazu mußten halt ein paar Ergänzungen und Anpassungen gemacht werden ... der Demo Charakter mußte wech 💪
Wir denken das ist verdammt gut gelungen und jetzt starten wir, neben der Erweiterung unserer Tribute Setlist (die Bühne ist halt doch eher unser Zuhause) mal diesen Prozess mit I'll be there, wir halten Euch auf dem Laufenden .... 😂
Es geht nich immer alles gut beim Proben ... deswegen heißt's ja auch PROBE!
Einfach mal die Kamera mitlaufen lassen gestern. Hat echt Spaß gemacht. Jailbreak-Thin Lizzy und Dreams I'll Never See-Molly Hatchet LIVE aus dem Studio :-)
THUNDER MOUNTAIN CREW is not playing Blues, not Country or Standard Classic Rock, neither Pop nor Metal. No, this is the musical profession of someone else! No!
Instead, THUNDER MOUNTAIN CREW brings the hot driving smashing speedy sound of all-time greatest Southern Rock music straight to you. Alabama isn’t that far away.
Think of Bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Molly Hatchet, Kid Rock, 38 Special, Thin Lizzy … you name it and then: you got it! Life, authentic and with all possible passion. Presented professional and always thrilling.
THUNDER MOUNTAIN CREW, based in Frankfurt/M, enter the stage with two screaming Guitars, driving drums, pounding bass and voices which let you think the originals are right in front of you, and leaves you behind overwhelmed and breathless, ready to jump right in another round of Southern Rock’n’Roll.
Get on board with cool music and cool drinks – THUNDER MOUNTAIN CREW