Outdoor Kids

Outdoor Kids Wir von Outdoor Kids machen unseren Namen zum Programm. Unsere sportlichen Events für Kinder Wir sind familiär und sorgen für denkwürdige Erlebnisse.

Wir glauben , dass wir gewisse Teile unseres Lebens vor der fortlaufenden Digitalisierung schützen und wahren müssen! Wir kämpfen gegen die derzeitige Entwicklung, der Bewegungsarmut und der Zunahme von Übergewicht! Unsere Mission ist es Familien dabei zu helfen, einen bewussten und natürlichen Lebensstil zu gestalten und zu wahren. Wir kombinieren Spaß, Bewegung und Natur zu einem neuen Lebensge

fühl! Wir bieten Outdoor Sportkurse für Kinder ab 3 Jahre, in welchem die Kinder spielerisch ihre moischen und mentalen Fähigkeiten verbessern und eine positive Beziehung zu ihrer Umgebung aufbauen. Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen,dass die regelmäßige Bewegung in der Natur bei jeder Wetterlage positive Effekte auf unsere mentale und körperliche Gesundheit haben. Das Ziel unserer Unternehmung ist es regelmäßige Bewegung in der Natur bei Kindern früh in den Alltag zu integrieren, um so eine gute Grundlage dafür zu schaffen, dass Kinder eine gesunde Beziehung zu ihrem Körper und ihrer Umwelt entwicklen können. Wir sind Outdoor Kids!

Diesen Sommer bietet Outdoorkids wieder viele verschiedene Sportcamps an. Dort werden sie viele tolle Sachen erwarten.🫣🏃...

Diesen Sommer bietet Outdoorkids wieder viele verschiedene Sportcamps an. Dort werden sie viele tolle Sachen erwarten.🫣🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️

This summer, Outdoorkids is once again offering many different sports camps. Lots of great things await them there.🫣🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️


Wir bieten diesen Sommer wieder Camps für Kinder an. Hier sind einige der Sportarten, die es geben wird.🫣💪We are offerin...

Wir bieten diesen Sommer wieder Camps für Kinder an. Hier sind einige der Sportarten, die es geben wird.🫣💪

We are offering camps for children again this summer. Here are some of the sports that will be featured.🫣💪


Aufgepasst! Wohnst du in der Nähe Frankfurt und bist Bereit, jungen Menschen durch Sport und Bewegung positiven Einfluss...

Aufgepasst! Wohnst du in der Nähe Frankfurt und bist Bereit, jungen Menschen durch Sport und Bewegung positiven Einfluss zu geben und dabei auch deinen akademischen Einstieg zu fördern! 🌿📚 Im Sommer startet das duale Studium im Bereich Outdoor Studies bei uns - bist du bereit für diese aufregende Reise?
Dann Bewirb dich doch gerne bei uns unter : [email protected]

Wir hoffen dich bald bei uns zu sehen.🎓🌞

: #🎓

Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von...

Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von Fußball bis zu Skateboard bis zu HipHop. Sie ermöglichen es den Kindern, neue Sportarten zu entdecken, ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und wichtige Werte wie Teamwork zu entwickeln.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️

In summer, Outdoorkids offers their children various sports camps. A variety of activities for your children, from soccer to HipHop and skateboarding. They allow children to discover new sports, improve their skills and develop important values ​​such as teamwork.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️ ANMEDLUNG IN BIO 👆

Join us in Offenbach for the XLETIX Kids event! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Get ready for an incredible adventure with your kids! This event ...

Join us in Offenbach for the XLETIX Kids event! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Get ready for an incredible adventure with your kids! This event is going to be filled with fun, challenges, and unforgettable experiences.

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to be part of the XLETIX event in Offenbach.

Sign up now and let your kids embark on an exciting journey of discovery and joy! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

📅 Event Date: 26.05.2024
📍 Location: Offenbach
🔗 Registration: https://www.xletixkids.com/events/offenbach-2024/?_gl=1*px20fc*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeLOi54dujvjBkySdv-kyeHuJSCc0iTMvp5dTJGSE-uy61FbcpSCF1xoCJxgQAvD_BwE

We can't wait to see you there! 🎇

Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von...

Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von Fußball bis zu Skateboard bis zu HipHop. Sie ermöglichen es den Kindern, neue Sportarten zu entdecken, ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und wichtige Werte wie Teamwork zu entwickeln.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️

In summer, Outdoorkids offers their children various sports camps. A variety of activities for your children, from soccer to HipHop and skateboarding. They allow children to discover new sports, improve their skills and develop important values ​​such as teamwork.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️


Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von...

Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von Fußball bis zu Skateboard bis zu HipHop. Sie ermöglichen es den Kindern, neue Sportarten zu entdecken, ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und wichtige Werte wie Teamwork zu entwickeln.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️

In summer, Outdoorkids offers their children various sports camps. A variety of activities for your children, from soccer to HipHop and skateboarding. They allow children to discover new sports, improve their skills and develop important values ​​such as teamwork.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️


Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von...

Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von Fußball bis zu Skateboard bis zu HipHop. Sie ermöglichen es den Kindern, neue Sportarten zu entdecken, ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und wichtige Werte wie Teamwork zu entwickeln.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️

In summer, Outdoorkids offers their children various sports camps. A variety of activities for your children, from soccer to HipHop and skateboarding. They allow children to discover new sports, improve their skills and develop important values ​​such as teamwork.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️


Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von...

Im Sommer bietet Outdoorkids ihren Kindern verschiedene Sportcamps an. Eine Vielfalt an Aktivitäten für ihre Kinder, von Fußball bis Gymnastic und Skateboard. Sie ermöglichen es den Kindern, neue Sportarten zu entdecken, ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und wichtige Werte wie Teamwork zu entwickeln.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️

In summer, Outdoorkids offers their children various sports camps. A variety of activities for your children, from soccer to gymnastics and skateboarding. They allow children to discover new sports, improve their skills and develop important values ​​such as teamwork.🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️‍➡️


Unser Bike-Camp bietet Kindern die Möglichkeit, ihre Fahrradfähigkeiten zu verbessern und neue Trails zu erkunden. Unter...

Unser Bike-Camp bietet Kindern die Möglichkeit, ihre Fahrradfähigkeiten zu verbessern und neue Trails zu erkunden. Unter der Anleitung erfahrener Trainer können die Teilnehmer ihre Technik verfeinern und ihr Selbstvertrauen auf dem Fahrrad stärken. Unser Ziel ist es, nicht nur die Freude am Radfahren zu vermitteln, sondern auch Teamwork und Selbstvertrauen zu fördern. Sichere dir noch heute einen Platz und erlebe eine Woche voller Spaß und Abenteuer beim Bike-Camp für Kinder!🚲

Our bike camp offers children the opportunity to improve their cycling skills and explore new trails. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, participants can refine their technique and increase their confidence on the bike. Our goal is not only to convey the joy of cycling, but also to promote teamwork and self-confidence. Secure your place today and experience a week full of fun and adventure at the bike camp for children!🚲


Unser Ostercamp bietet Kindern im Alter von 5-10 Jahren eine Woche voller sportlicher Aktivitäten und Spaß. Von Fußball ...

Unser Ostercamp bietet Kindern im Alter von 5-10 Jahren eine Woche voller sportlicher Aktivitäten und Spaß. Von Fußball über Basketball bis hin zu Tennis gibt es eine Vielzahl von Sportarten zu entdecken. Unter der Anleitung erfahrener Trainer werden die Kinder ihre Fähigkeiten verbessern und neue Freunde finden. Melden Sie Ihr Kind noch heute an und lassen Sie es eine unvergessliche Osterpause erleben! ⛹️🥅🏐

Our Easter camp offers children aged 5-10 years a week full of sporting activities and fun. From football to basketball to tennis, there are a variety of sports to explore. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, children will improve their skills and make new friends. Register your child today and let them experience an unforgettable Easter break!⛹️🥅🏐

Unser Ostercamp bietet Kindern im Alter von 5-10 Jahren eine Woche voller sportlicher Aktivitäten und Spaß. Von Fußball ...

Unser Ostercamp bietet Kindern im Alter von 5-10 Jahren eine Woche voller sportlicher Aktivitäten und Spaß. Von Fußball über Basketball bis hin zu Tennis gibt es eine Vielzahl von Sportarten zu entdecken. Unter der Anleitung erfahrener Trainer werden die Kinder ihre Fähigkeiten verbessern und neue Freunde finden. Melden Sie Ihr Kind noch heute an und lassen Sie es eine unvergessliche Osterpause erleben! ⛹️🥅🏐

Our Easter camp offers children aged 5-10 years a week full of sporting activities and fun. From football to basketball to tennis, there are a variety of sports to explore. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, children will improve their skills and make new friends. Register your child today and let them experience an unforgettable Easter break!⛹️🥅🏐

Link zur Anmeldung in Bio 👆

Unser Camp bietet Spaß und Training für Kinder aller Fähigkeitsstufen. Unter der Anleitung erfahrener Trainer können die...

Unser Camp bietet Spaß und Training für Kinder aller Fähigkeitsstufen. Unter der Anleitung erfahrener Trainer können die Teilnehmer verschiedene Disziplinen des Turnens erkunden. Mit lustigen Aktivitäten und Spielen fördern wir nicht nur die körperliche Fitness, sondern auch das Selbstvertrauen und die Teamarbeit. Sei du dabei und erlebe eine Woche voller Spaß und Herausforderungen.🤸‍♂️

Our camp offers fun and training for children of all skill levels. Under the guidance of experienced trainers, participants can explore various disciplines of gymnastics. With fun activities and games, we not only promote physical fitness, but also self-confidence and teamwork. Be there and experience a week full of fun and challenges.🤸‍♂️

Schick dein Kind zu den Outdoor Kids und gib ihm die Chance auf ein actionreiches und spaßiges Camp! Hier lernen Kinder ...

Schick dein Kind zu den Outdoor Kids und gib ihm die Chance auf ein actionreiches und spaßiges Camp! Hier lernen Kinder nicht nur neue Fähigkeiten, sondern schließen auch Freundschaften fürs Leben und erleben die Jahreszeit mit allen Sinnen.

Was dein Kind bei Outdoor Kids Camps erwartet:
- viel Bewegung
- Teamarbeit und Kooperation
- Förderung der motorischen Fähigkeiten
- Förderung der sozialen Kompetenz
- Spaß und Freude

ANMELDUNG: https://outdoorkids.online

As we step into 2023, we wish you and your family a year filled with boundless happiness, countless shared victories, an...

As we step into 2023, we wish you and your family a year filled with boundless happiness, countless shared victories, and endless moments of pride. May the coming months be a testament to the power of sports in bringing people together, building character, and creating lifelong memories.

Thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Here's to another year of cheers, challenges, and champions! 🎉

Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with laughter, love, and lots of sporting success! ✨

Your Outdoor Kids Family 💚

🏀🌟 Dribbling through Life Like a Pro, On and Off the Court! 🌈🤸‍♂️Sports aren't just about dodging opponents; they're abo...

🏀🌟 Dribbling through Life Like a Pro, On and Off the Court! 🌈🤸‍♂️

Sports aren't just about dodging opponents; they're about sidestepping life's curveballs with style! 🔄🎾 Who knew that scoring goals could be excellent training for adulting victories? 🏆💼

From perfecting the art of goal-setting to juggling responsibilities like a circus clown with flaming pins, sports prep you for the grand game of life! 🤹‍♀️🔥

Forget dodgeball; try dodging adulting responsibilities – now that's a real challenge! 😂🚀

So lace up those sneakers, slap on that game face, and let's conquer the game of life one funny, unexpected twist at a time! ⛹️‍♀️⛹️


🎄🎁 Dashing through the snow, in our sports gear, HO-HO-HO, we spread Christmas cheer! 🏀🎅Merry Fitmas, fabulous families!...

🎄🎁 Dashing through the snow, in our sports gear, HO-HO-HO, we spread Christmas cheer! 🏀🎅

Merry Fitmas, fabulous families! 🎉 May your Christmas be as jolly as a victory dance and as cozy as post-game snacks! 🎊

To all you and your little All-Stars, may your day be filled with joy, laughter, and a bit of friendly competition over who gets the last candy cane! 🍭🎁

Wishing you a slam-dunk Christmas and a sporty New Year! 🎄🌟


Engaging in sports offers a multitude of benefits for little ones, extending beyond physical fitness.  🤸‍♀️⛹️‍♀️🤼‍♀️Here...

Engaging in sports offers a multitude of benefits for little ones, extending beyond physical fitness. 🤸‍♀️⛹️‍♀️🤼‍♀️

Here are some key advantages ⤵

✨ Development of Motor Skills: Sports help in the development of fundamental motor skills like running, jumping, and throwing.

✨ Healthy Growth: Regular physical activity promotes bone and muscle development, contributing to overall growth.

✨ Social Skills & Teamwork: Playing on a team teaches kids about cooperation, collaboration, and working towards a common goal.

✨Emotional Well-being & Stress Relief: Physical activity releases endorphins, reducing stress and promoting a positive mood.

✨ Routine and Structure: Sports require regular practice and commitment, instilling a sense of routine and discipline.

✨ Understanding Nutrition: Athletes often become more aware of the importance of nutrition for performance and overall health.

✨ Socialization and Friendship & Building Friendships: Sports provide opportunities to meet new friends with shared interests.

In essence, playing sports during childhood contributes to holistic development, shaping not only physical health but also building character, social skills, and a foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

All that and much more your child can experience with us and in our sports community. Visit our website to find out all the details. 🥇



❄️🏉 Let the Winter Games Begin! 🏈⚽️Winter isn't just for cozying up indoors! ❄️🌬️ Embrace the chill and let your kids ex...

❄️🏉 Let the Winter Games Begin! 🏈⚽️

Winter isn't just for cozying up indoors! ❄️🌬️ Embrace the chill and let your kids experience the thrill of outdoor sports. 🤸‍♂️🏆

🌬️ Fresh air is the ultimate game-changer! Outdoor play during winter not only boosts their immunity but also energizes their spirit. 🌟

🏈 Whether it's a friendly game of rugby, a spirited match of football, or simply kicking around a ball, the benefits are endless. Physical activity promotes health, teamwork, and a love for staying active. 🤝💪

So, bundle up, lace up those sneakers, and hit the field with your little champions! 🧤👟 Let the winter fun begin with us! ❄️👦👧

For more info, visit our website:

➡️ www.outdoorkids.online


This holiday season, let's make it extra special for the kiddos! 🎅✨ From crafting adorable ornaments to baking yummy coo...

This holiday season, let's make it extra special for the kiddos! 🎅✨ From crafting adorable ornaments to baking yummy cookies, there are endless ways to create lasting memories. 🍪❤️

🎁 Spread joy by involving them in the gift-giving process – let them wrap presents or create homemade cards for loved ones. 🎀👼

⛄️ Embrace the spirit of giving back! Visit a local charity together, donate toys, or participate in a community service project. 🤝🌍 Teaching kindness and empathy from a young age is a gift that lasts a lifetime.

📚 Storytime takes on a festive twist! Read holiday classics or create your own winter tales by the fireplace. 📖🔥

🎶 Don't forget the power of music! Create a jolly playlist, dance to cheerful tunes, and maybe even start a family caroling tradition. 🎤🕺

Share your own inspirations and traditions below! Let's make this Christmas season magical for the little ones and create memories that will be cherished forever. 🌈💖


🌟 Why be a superhero when you can be a SUPER SPORTY STAR? 🌟 Gear up – it's time for some seriously hilarious action on t...

🌟 Why be a superhero when you can be a SUPER SPORTY STAR? 🌟 Gear up – it's time for some seriously hilarious action on the field and dance floor! 🕺⚽️

1. Football Funnies: Our football field is like a comedy club – the only rule is to score goals and laugh! 😂⚽️ Watch out for our goalie, who moonlights as a stand-up comedian between saves! 🧤🎤

2. Rugby Rumble: Tackles and tickles? Yup, you heard it right! Our rugby classes are a mix of roughhousing and belly laughs! 🏉🤣 Bonus points for the silliest scrum faces! 😜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

3. Movement Madness: Break out those funky moves! 🕺 Our dance sessions are like a party where everyone's invited to dance like nobody's watching – because they're too busy busting their moves! 🎉💃

4. Ball Games: From bouncing balls to rolling laughs, our ball games are a carnival of chaos! 🤹‍♂️🏀 Just try not to get distracted by the giggles when the balls take unexpected detours! 😅🎈

Get ready for a wild ride of sports and silliness! 🚀🌈 Who says sports can't be a blast? Not us! Join the fun – because being a kid should always include a dash of laughter and a ton of touchdowns!🏅

For more information about our all classes visit our web: www.outdoorkids.online


🌟 GIVEAWAY ALERT🌟🔔 Hey, Outdoor Kids fam! 💚We believe happiness is meant to be shared, and what better way than through ...


🔔 Hey, Outdoor Kids fam! 💚

We believe happiness is meant to be shared, and what better way than through our little giveaway throughout this special time of the year? ⛄️🎄❄️

▫️How to Enter:
🌈 Follow Outdoor Kids to be eligible.
🤳 Tag friends in the comments who'd love to join the fun.


Let's spread joy and create a ripple of happiness together! 🌟

Don't forget to set your profile to public so we can see your entries.

🎈Contest ends: 22/12/2023

🎉Winner announcement: 23/12/2023

Good luck, and may your happy place shine bright! ✨

❗️The voucher is valid only for the Frankfurt area, and it is for kids from 5 to 10 years old.

🌈🏀 Unlocking the Magic of Outdoor Play for Kiddos! 🚀👦Hey parents! 🚨 Wondering why your little ones should trade their sc...

🌈🏀 Unlocking the Magic of Outdoor Play for Kiddos! 🚀👦

Hey parents! 🚨 Wondering why your little ones should trade their screen time for some serious ballin''? 📱➡️🤸‍♂️ Let us break it down for you! 😉

1️⃣ Brain Gainz: Our outdoor sports program is like a secret potion for brainiacs in the making! 🧠🏀 Watch your kids turn into little Einsteins, dribbling their way to genius status! 🤓💡

2️⃣ Vitamin D Disco: Say goodbye to those vitamin D deficiencies! ☀️ Our outdoor play sessions are the hottest (or should we say coldest?) ticket to a healthy dose of sunshine and giggles! 😎🌞

3️⃣ Skillz and Thrills: From dribbling to dodging, our sports program is a playground of skill-building madness! ⚽️🏃‍♀️ They'll be scoring goals and mastering moves faster than you can say "goalpost"! 🥅🌪️

Why us, you ask? 🤔 Because we're not just a company; we're the Masters of Outdoor Fun! 🏆 Choose us, and let your kids embark on a journey of play, laughter, and skill-building that even unicorns would envy! 🦄✨

Tag a parent ready to trade the remote for a football ball! ⚽️ ⤵️

www.outdoorkids.online 📲



🌨️❄️ Winter Wonderland Alert! ⛄️🏂Attention parents! 🚨🙃It's that time of the year when snowflakes are falling, and so are...

🌨️❄️ Winter Wonderland Alert! ⛄️🏂

Attention parents! 🚨🙃

It's that time of the year when snowflakes are falling, and so are our kids' excuses to hibernate indoors! 😂 Let's kick winter blues to the curb and get those little snow angels moving! 🤸 🏒

🌬️ Outdoor sports are like winter vitamins for kids! 🤾‍♀️ Embrace the cold, bundle them up, and watch them turn into mini snow superheroes! 🦸 💨

Join our winter wonder league - and let's prove that frosty fun is better than movie marathons or video games! 📺⛷️

Tag a parent who needs a nudge to unleash their kids into the winter wonderland! 🏂🌨️

Visit our website and witness the fact that we are number 1 in the choice of the best provider of outdoor sports for your kids. ✨

www.outdoorkids.online 📲


🍂 Embrace the Autumn Chill! 🏈🍁Hey parents! 🌟 Don't let the brisk breeze and falling leaves keep the kiddos indoors! 🍂 Ti...

🍂 Embrace the Autumn Chill! 🏈🍁

Hey parents! 🌟 Don't let the brisk breeze and falling leaves keep the kiddos indoors! 🍂 Time to swap cozy blankets for sports gear because playing outdoor sports in colder autumn days is a total game-changer! 🏐🏑

Fall Fun Fitness: Who needs a gym when you've got nature's playground? Jump into a pile of leaves, throw some passes, and score those touchdowns—fitness disguised as fun! 💪🍂

Leafy Laughter: Turn chilly days into giggly moments! Rake up those leaves for the ultimate obstacle course, creating memories that'll warm their hearts. 😄🍃

Teamwork, Scarves & Tackles: Teach them life skills the fun way! Team sports build friendships, resilience, and the art of layering—scarves and jerseys, anyone? 🧣🤝

Nature's Color Palette: Autumn is Mother Nature's masterpiece! Playing outside lets kids soak in the vibrant hues, making every game a visually stunning adventure. 🎨🍁
Hot Cocoa Celebrations: After the game, it's time for a well-deserved treat! Hot cocoa by the fireplace—because champions deserve a sweet victory sip! ☕🏆
So, gear up, bundle up, and let the autumn games begin! 🏈🍁

And, for an insight into all the possibilities of a sports experience, visit our website:


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 14:00




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